
Discussion in 'Wars' started by FizzyLiftingDrink, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Haha poor noob. Now he is going to take on two players. Watch out guys he isnt even potted:)
  2. :) Asks for 1v1 gets 1v20 lol
  3. Yawn. This kid sits in pin and tries to flail his arms around at you in an attempt to be heard.

  4. Lol VAL "attempts". How are those working out for you?
  5. That makes no sense.

    They are YOUR attempts. So why would they "work out for" ME??
  6. Lol mike you are so butthurt 
  7. Quite butthurt indeed 
  8. So ... Much...... E-peen......
  9. Dtw and 0'ed by all the randoms.
  10. Lol this kid is like the wannabe Ajax, except he just fails on so many levels..

  11. I get confused.

    Is it only VAL if he puts VAL at the end? Coz sometimes I think it's him, and it is, but other times it's not, and sometimes with or without the sig.

    I'm so lost :(
  12. Ajax= wannabe mikedawg
  13. @Worm, page 1 last post...

    No. His panties are in a twist. :D
  14. Lol out of pots fails only now from me
  15. You are dtw noob
  16. Funny how this kid hits from pin too 