1V1 rules

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheCypher, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. ... pleading the fifth 

    All these "rules" are social constructs anyway.
  2. Entire theory of the 1v1 was designed to stop it from osw or to stop a osw. Often enough clan owners will choose to fight amongst themselves to settle or prevent osw. 1v1 in regular daily life is rather simple, you get hit. You hit back, simple enough man the hell up and handle your business. They bring a friend, you bring a friend. Hell let it go all out osw as mentioned previously. 1v1 is however a valid concept, just not honered by many.
  3. huh? rules?

    as in those excuses people use all the time when they beat/clan jump on the non pvp community of kaw?

    oh, i see. rules are great, for the party with the means to enforce them. kinda funny how that works.

    "im gonna farm you and according to the rules, you're screwed".
  4. Very good question. I've lost a few "1v1" because I couldn't successfully hit the other person(s) and their alts lol.

    1v1 are never 1v1, no matter how much these true KaW players claim them to be.
  5. Of course there is a 1v1 rule- win.
  6. It's not rules.

    Just merely respectable terms of what you can do.

    Clean would be:
    • light friendly trashing
    • Engaging in a 1v1 without alts or other people
    • Providing your own strip funds
    • Stripping the target yourself
    • Everyone is all friends during and after the pvp

    Dirty pvp is like:
    • Outsourcing help. Friends / clan
    • Trashing with hateful comments
    • forcing a player into a pvp. Meaning hitting a wc poster and saying he's your chew toy until he hires a ally

    It's just your prospective of the matter. Not rules just guide lines on how to respectively war.

    But I say hell no to the 5 hit made up rule
  7. These are my rules:

    TO FIND US
  8. These are my rules:

    TO FIND US
  9. People can preach what they like. Its up to the listener to follow or discard the message.

  10. Or in the words of Gandalf ... "Keep it secret ... keep it safe"
  11. True dat
  12. Incorrect. The battle losses is the sum of the fight offenses lost and the fight defenses lost, so it will go up if getting farmed.

    Sounds like YOU are the idiot.
  13. Wolf, maybe im reading the first part of your post wrong but, are you saying successful atk inc does not register on your battle losses?
  14. 1v1 rules...omg thats funny. The only rulees in war are those enforced selectively after the fact by the victors.
  15. You do know it only accumulates for troop attack actions :roll:

    I suggest you reread what you quoted there then understand the game properly, because you can not properly judge a account that's hitting epics, or fighting pvp.

    Def isn't inputted neither is spy actions.

    Battle won = number of troop actions successful
    Battle loss = number of troop actions unsuccessful

    Meaning only your amount of wins / loses though you attacking with troops. Not your defence or spies.

    Thought you'd understand some aspects of the game with that fancy 3 year achievement you have there. :|

    Oh wait you hardly ever do play kaw do you. You're just a noob who never plays kaw.
  16. Try it with an alt. Look at his stats from your perspective and then his perspective. You will see the numbers add up to what is seen publicly.

    Apology accepted, noob.
  17. Example, your battles lost is 8618. Look at your profile and try to figure out where that number came from.