Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BoobsRule, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Op pinned :53 for noobing up forms. Thx for playing
  2. Where's mercutio? Is he even fighting? I'd hate to bet on a lame horse
  3. mercutio accepts your challenge
  4. Marc is fighting
  5. Trust me ;) mercutio has got fight in him.
  6.  Noob rage
  7. Now first I must make it clear this is not a one b one I was in a 2 v 1 before this started so,now I'm effectively beating down 3 people. Do I want publicity for it? No. Just let me beat you in silence and not try to make it embarassing for yourself by making people think it's an entertaining event. My other fight is entertaining,however this one is not. Place your bets I'll eagerly take some handouts.

  8. Holy **** my friend is badass
  9. mercutio informs me he will have stronger attack stats upon the first inc from boob
  10. Advantages of not using every land are numerous.
  11. Op fb att dtw, hb sct, spies open
  12. This is true. I almost have mage unlocked
  13. I bet 10 bil on me
  14. 1b on boobs, **** being mainstream
  15. If y'all wanna bet, put it on me and slim's new thread.
  16. Rising star you've just lost money
  17. Shhh
  18. Op 8/8/1 p :21 zeroed .

    Inc to date 1/4 sir fails.

    Oh and I got a wall post idk why
  19. Update** noob xtaled 3/7 att, I'm not pinned