This way u can know who is a noob and who not. Won be fair if hlbc declares war on smaller ones, but would solve fsrming issues. When 1vs1 war is on no outside hits allowed nor allies could be bought by others?
@jam No-one would exploit it for mith. It would give less mith than mwars so everyone would do mwars if they were really that desperate
Suppose it would suit some people but personally I find the results in system wars very misleading esp if it was 1v1. For example say Player A attacked Player B 100 times over the day so Player B stripped Player A who lost 50b overnight. Player A would win the war despite being a lot more damaged than Player B. Although I suppose SWs are supposed to be more of a quick gold hunt rather than trying to cripple to opposing clan
Okay, this is how you can exploit it. 1. Make an alt. 2. War your alt. 3. Win the war and get all the benefits that come with winning. Simple right? That's why no one said how its exploitable. Why can't players be happy a new system war is in the making? Not good enough?
Jam anyone can get mith from mwars. That's the only reward from these 1v1s... These aren't going to be about the reward, just about warring the opponent. That's why the reward would be extremely small
Chaz, who said alts aren't in the same stat range? I have many different accounts close to each other and far apart in cs.
This is actually a really cool idea. However this could be exploited. If someone has an alt of around the same size as their main they could declare war just to get the bonuses. I feel that could easily be balanced though.
Why would I bother thinking of fixing the loopholes you made? You're the op, you're the one who came up with it. You fix it. I think it's an idea that will never happen, because there's really no point to it.
@people saying that it can be exploited for the rewards I'm going to clear this up The rewards aren't important. The war is. That's why the rewards will be EXTREMELY SMALL so that no-one would bother exploiting it for the rewards but the winner still gets a small reward (along with the glory and knowledge that they won a 1v1)