We know he dropped his build. It doesn't change that I dislike the thread, until I see that it isn't legit.
*facepalm* I don't understand why 1v1 threads are spamming forums now, especially coming from nooby folks.
Those "nooby folks" are partaking in pvp, something a lot of people encourage on here. Regardless of size, demands, cf requests, etc...don't encourage pvp then if you don't support this thread. Clearly you'd have double standards then.
@op I have never farmed you on kaw, and I don't really want to start another situation so soon. All hits will be ignored
And op, it wouldn't be wise to **** with someone that can take 50m from you in 3 hits. Especially at your size
Wake encouraging pvp has nothing to do with parading around about it. These noobs should be taught properly, not to make threads about personal battles. Personal meaning it's no one else's business. They make it other's business and then piss and moan if others get involved or have an opinion against them. It is THEM with the double standards. Those of us discouraging lame 'look at me I'm pvping' threads. aren't discouraging pvp itself but the nooby ass way it's portrayed.
Op is an attention whore gtho op anyways 45tril was alot for the guy that got stripped and he didn't come on forums.
CYN - I agree dude. My context wasn't as good on page 5 as it was on page 4. I was referring (or intending to) more to the people complaining about the 50m demand thing,
Sorry for my earlier Post Op. After reading the whole thread then seeing Wakeposters post, it changed me man. :cry: GL Op.