1v1 declared on King_Caine

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Drgn_HDL, May 16, 2013.

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  1. Lol not really madara, it's there whenever you look at your stats :|
  2. Needless sephora eh? Lmao

    Remember major war clans and their wars? Remember all the threads on forums about them?

    This is a singular thread about a small event, but it is not needless. It's a war game, he's declaring war. Just because the event is small, does not make it pointless.

    Several threads on this would be pointless.
  3. I only go as far as my stats n I don't see it :|
  4. I said 'needless', not 'pointless'. Yes, he's declaring war in a war game. His choice to do so via the forums; I think this could be just as easily done via a wall post or two.

    Main point being, support the fighter regardless of the amount of gold (or whatever) for which he's fighting.
  5. Any thread made declaring war is needless.

    I don't care who it is I will call it out as such. It's a war game. Stop wanting pats on the back for playing the game correctly.
  6. Declaring war on my ally.... Hmmm
  7. And cynder strykes again
  8. ill give you your 50 mil if you promise never to post on the forums again :lol:
  9. on second thought, i declare war on you Drgn_HDL

    cf terms:
    1. 30 seconds of my life back that it took me to read this nonsense
    2. one extra large chocolate chip cookie
  10. So war to replace a few mill which could be recovered with a couple hits on haunting? I love it..nip it in the bud before you lose 100mill and it gets serious ..support
  11. Ill support cause he managed to get king to drop his build 
  12. King was already pure spy
  13. Lol pointless and needless is like the same word.. Look it up.

    Unless you call out big clans for creating threads on their osw, don't be hypocritical.

    As for cynder, lol.

    I don't recall you on laodas thread, calling him out for a thread on the war lol.

    Prove me wrong please? Otherwise shut up
  14. Op, stop disgracing my old clan and grow a pair. And stats.
  15. Needless = 'Not Needed'
    As in, a thread declaring a 1vs1. Not Needed.

    Pointless = 'Lacking a Point'
    As in, a thread without a point. OP has a point, which is to openly delclare war.

    Lotta posts here absolutely not needed by the broader Kawmmunity. But that doesn't mean they're pointless.
  16. I don't see the fuss. Lots of 1v1 threads have passed. Just because he's not demanding some big alliance disband and pay 10T in payments doesn't take away the value of a good pvp fight.

    Aren't y'all complaining about too many eb noobs and trying to encourage pvp? Well look...a small guy wants to announce his 1v1 and you just make fun his thread. No wonder new KaWers aren't getting into pvp...you set a double standard
  17. Omg -.- give this man 50mil n then let him leave forum!!
  18. Ill take my other post back :D support wakebuster :D!!!!!
  19. I looked as his badges before deciding to post.

    Looks like OP has purposely set this up to see how people would react to the repetitive 1v1 threads that seem pointless :cool:
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