1v1 Against griffinrider

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IllIll_BlackHandLegion_IllIlI, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. Re: Noob Tears!

  2. Re: Noob Tears!

    support to griff. op may have picked the wrong one to unload on lol
  3. Re: Noob Tears!

    Vengeful, come out of pin so i can share some love to you as well!
  4. Re: Noob Tears!

     :lol:
  5. Re: Noob Tears!

    Support to you griff try your best
  6. Re: Noob Tears!

    Support to Griff.

    Come on, OP.
    You wanted a fight. 
  7. Re: Noob Tears!

    Go griff.
  8. Re: Noob Tears!

    I did want a fight. And he's going to get it. :lol:
  9. Re: Noob Tears!

    Longevity: should have cleaned your wall. I have now contacted everyone that is pissed at you for previously farming and we are all coming for you. Run back to mommy little girl.
  10. Re: Noob Tears!

    Since this has become a formal 1v1 thread, I'll change the title.
  11. Re: Noob Tears!

    Niiiiice. Lol. :)
  12. Alright griff my troops are pinned but my spies are on near full go ahead have a blast.
  13. Dis iz gonna get EPIC :cool: *grabs popcorn*
  14. Ok, 1v1 turned into 1vEveryone?

    What a ***** move.
  15. Re: Noob Tears!

    And PS: I'm going to "get it"? I'm pure spy noob you can do NOTHING to cause me to lose gold meanwhile ill be pot burning and forum burning you day and night. Not to mention a good upcoming strip. I look forward to doing battle with your dimwitted brain and kingdom
  16. Pick a side Jesus, first you were with longevity then you supported griff and now you are bashing him again
  17. Forum burning? :?
  18. Totally thought it said Griffindor 