1st Annual Election War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by PnDa_Mr-Panda_PnDa, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. I honestly once had 2 million attack and defense stats combined.
  2. Romney wants to take away birth control <_<
  3. Op, I am sure you are very experienced in war for someone with 250 k cs
  4. I like how the war will take place AFTER the election....nice planning op.
  5. dont make a war over somthing so awful.
  6. Your facts about the candidates are wrong.
  7. Birth control is for jews
  8. the amount of republicans on this game is fairly obvious. i wonder why the demographic of forumers is so high on a mainly iphone game? iphones generaly a more rich thing to have, going strait along with republican sterio types. knows whats worse? vast majority of our current forumers are below the age of 18. most adults fair well here, to name a few moose ghoomba you izaln troll j3acon... you all are mainly kids posting your parents ideals. if your under 18, just stop for a bit and consider my post in relation to you posting more republican bull crap. your just posting what your parents think.
  9. Yeah, **** Obama. He is a lying scumbag. (Romney isn't much better, but at least he isn't trying to destroy the country)
  10. Wolf, Romney isn't trying to destroy the country because he's not in power. Who knows what he might actually do.

    Any president is a bad president. Anarchy! :twisted: lol. Jk
  11. He still isn't trying to destroy the country, right?
  12. Obama hasn't driven us into the ground and Romney is an unpredictable future that I, for one, do not look forward to. Keeping Obama in office for 4 more years isn't the worst thing we can do but it is the best choice for us at the moment.

    That's my opinion on thi election, but that's just me.
  13. So nobody has realized Elections happen every 4 years and annually means every year?
  14. Thank god I'm not American. These elections are a mess.
  15. Agreed chief. But it isn't much better where I am. The government has less seats than the opposition at this point in time...
  16. Annual is yearly. Im sorry to say, but presidential elections are only held every 4 years, House of Representative's every 2 years, and Senate members every 6 years.

    No possible outcome will make it annual.
  17. Hmmm economy is actually seeming to get better, way better, I think wait isn't Obama president right now? Dang guess he's doing something right, right?? Soooo how many times has the press found out that some of mr mitts allegations about my dawg Obama are false (lies)? I think a couple
  18. Why is it that this thread shows a bunch of short-sighted, close-minded Americans in here, who seem to think that their opinion is the only one.

    It's a thread about a war, for a video game!
    Not a thread to share your biased beliefs no-one cares about.

    Far out.