
Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by Scrapster, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    The sad thing is, you CAN only really grow by EBs now. It's just not viable to PvP for growth. Might start an alt to try it as a project... Volley to 50B, go from there.
  2. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    OSW is a passion. Not to grow tbh
  3. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    OSW isn't the sum of PvP. It doesn't have to be that violent, people are just so touchy these days that anybody in a large clan that hits someone seems to devolve into OSW.

    Used to HAVE to grow by battle listing or inactives unless your clan had an OSF for you to hit.

    PvP Age > Plunder Wars > Epic Battles

    Anybody remember 'tobit' ?
  4. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    Just remember who the True Spartans are!! Hehe  goodluck with the clan ️
  5. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    Lmfao ok, thanks
  6. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    You guys are gonna be massive :D I can just feel it <3
  7. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    Lol, Thanks bud!
  8. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    No homo
  9. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    Are you certain? :lol:
  10. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    lmfao xD
  11. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    I only just realised the other contexts of that :/
  12. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    Fullest support 
    Nice would like to join as well one day once I met the requirements. Till then best of luck. 
  13. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    1. Recruitment Thread similar as true spartans
    2. Not very loyal if you left Warlor and took players from reds.
    3. Dont bite off more than you can chew. Sign of weakness already.
    4. How are you a top LB clan? When half your clan is small.
    5. NO SUPPORT! :roll:
  14. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    1. Statless alt
  15. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    My main account thanks! :mrgreen:
  16. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    I dont see why you're on this forum? If TS had a problem with my thread I'm sure they would address it. They don't need the likes of you.
  17. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    Thanks bud, hope to see you soon.
  18. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    Good job on thread! Good luck with your clan.
  19. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

  20. Re: Sparta Recruitment Thread

    Thanks :D
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