Re: Is KaW "Dying"? They need to just do away with mp for the first couple weeks of an accounts creation. Add an instant mp bonus to the newbie gray spell so new players don't have to try finding an ally until they can afford to keep one. Also add into the tutorial how important mp is, that way after the 2 weeks or so those players know what they need to do to get it and keep it.
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? KaW linked their forum guide into their "tutorial" so the only ones that miss it would be alts. It appears about 3 times if I'm not mistaken.
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? maybe even just disable the ally market page until a certain requirement is met, length of time or number of lands. then activate it with its own tutorial.
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? So that number at the beginning... =443 So what the **** did that help you with? 443. Yay. Then suddenly you're using that number to say at one point 44 players were staying to play the game. 44 out of what? Does that number have any correlation to the 443 before? Because it's missing a digit. I'm really confused... This information seems kind of baseless.
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? We're called the consumers of the product. Smart companies listen to their consumers when making changes to their products.
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? Shadow. I loved this product past 4 years. And for sure I'll love it for a while. If they don't make the change YOU want this doesn't mean that KaW is heading to the end.
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? Take another look at it. It's the total number of accounts now divided by how many days KaW has been around. On average, from start to now, KaW has gotten about 443 players per day.
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? TV advertising? Ok... Let's do a crowdfunding to pay a commercial during SuperBowl! Beat that Rovio, Kabam or whatever. How much can be? 2mil/second? Piece of cake.
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? I don't think you newest understand where the numbers are coming from. Only 10% of the players that started 30 days ago are still active. So everyday KaW was getting 44 active players a day. Now they get 10 active players a day.
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? Benny says they're "highly successful", however, no financial data is available for ATA on their website. They still list "angel investing" as their financial backer. When we see P and L data, we'll be able to determine if ATA is financially stable,
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? Your analysis is based on an 3 years old interview of one of ATA's founders. How can you know that meanwhile the retaining rate didn't increased?
Re: Is KaW "Dying"? Make the lowlands 1/10 of their current price for land and buildings - this will eliminate the problem of getting in new players and not push pay to play larger accounts further along into a smaller group of players that they can't participate with