
Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -Narwhal, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    I found kaw on an app of the day app. I've never seen it where people would find it on the App Store lol. The amount of hunts we get should indicate how poorly the new player base is moving. The devs need that revenue that should be coming from new players burning nobs and xtals like crazy, from everyone else. The hunts are here to stay, and probably more ideas like the animus box. Their creative team is probably stuck in an office all day just trying to figure out how to get the most money from everyone before they retire or uninstall
  2. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

  3. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Tldr, yes it is
  4. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Wow that was a spectacular disaster with what I tried to post and I of course forgot to save it :(

    KAW is no longer on any of Apple's top lists and hasn't been in quite a while.

    ATA shuttered 2 apps this year and pushed out a big dud in SMASH.

    the stock markets have already shown a distinct lack of love for the Tap based companies that are being publicly traded like Rovio.

    We can all see a decline in player base growth here in KAW.

    Success comes from dynamic changes not continuing to clone the same product over and over again. I haven't tried the new game since its Android, but if it is more of the same type of product then it will undoubtedly be a failure and waste of resources as well.
  5. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Exactly what i think
  6. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

  7. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Wtf this thread is pointless it has barely any information on the topic. /lock
  8. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    When you log in to find no users, or 1 wc message every 4 hours THEN you will know if KaW has died. Until then she's alive and kicking. :D
  9. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Everything has a lifespan. Everything is dying, some things faster than others.
  10. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Oh my gosh! Satan don't post anymore. Your post total is perfect! 
  11. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    How do your numbers figure?

    100 players on Saturday and Sunday.
    So 50 on average per day. 1.5k a month.

    If 10% percent remain, how's that 8 per month? :lol:
  12. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Said the guy named selfie  shut up, chain smoker.

    Or girl. Idk
  13. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Tv adverts, I could be way off here but anyways, Tv adverts are usual £20,000 - £50,000 depending on the time zone you advertise them and how long you want the advert to be.

    Maybe if ata is to create a advert they could run a contest on who could produce the best storyboard for the advert :p
  14. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    If ATA made commercials on TV it probably would grow larger. However this isn't clash of clans with alot of graphics spawning your troops where you want them. Also clash of clans (targeting younger audiences in my opinion) had a silly fun vibe in their commercials. What will they advertise in KaW? Unload your troops every hour by tapping a button a few times?

    Someone in another page was saying how they've seen other tap tap games like KaW that were much worse that have had commercials on TV. Even though I have seen those too it doesn't mean ours would be more successful just because its a little bit better.
  15. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Oh and what's up benny's ass?
  16. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

  17. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Games run their course. There is nothing wrong with that. Maybe is what you are seeing is a transition into a more mature phase in the game.

    Death is too final IMO. But I do blow a lot of smoke so...

    Games are made to be won.
  18. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Those numbers are off. You are basing your numbers from forum users, not kaw players. New players don't instantly go to the forum, most quit before getting to that button. They are still new players, however.
  19. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    Enlighten me with correct numbers.
  20. Re: Is KaW "Dying"?

    85% of stats can be manipulated to be false or misleading.