1234 I Declare a Damn War :Deadly Maniacs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by rontheman1, Sep 17, 2012.

  1. But how is it useful?
  2. Useful?
    I meant post something with meaning, like that would be of use to someone to actually reply to.

    My post was on-topic, in context and something people could relate/reply to.

    You sir, need to learn how to post even a couple sentences before you point out to me what is and isn't useful.

    Silly noob.
  3. Sorry my bad, I saw so many people relating to that sentence And i think you need to get your eyes checked, as i can definitly see a couple of sentences joined together. also hardly a noob post your next comment on my wall, won't be on forums for a bit and the thread will fall down past active topics.

    Silly noob :lol:
  4. they cant war thats y i call them eb noobs only in it to become the strongest and then ...
  5. :roll: again i osw and i ger farmed A LOT i can hardly grow but i dont complain
  6. I've seen you post action speak louder than words three times besides making this thread. So. We all see who is doing the blah -ing and who is doing the actions.
  7. wise iam FIRST TARGET well see how this Ends nice fail strip btw
  8. You should try Yourself Vs I.s.s Like how i am now.
    Its fun fun fun. Like how a frigging war games supposed to b like.
  9. 600 losses? Yeah you're a osw account for sure...
  10. Oh look, Harry the try hard forumer replied to me...
    How cute!

    Now I just need to give a ****.
    Shame no one cares what he says, I pity him.