100v100 Indy wars on weekends

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. I'm not a fan of the 100 v 100, mainly because I only warred my alt who was ranked the lowest on it's side.

    That being said I think only builds over 1m cs can be involved.
  2. Sorry my main is dead so I'm posting with this.
    I gotta support as well. The win/loss was way less dependent on top lbs unlike in smaller indi wars. Great thread troll.
  3. Totally agree with Cantonese, whilst I love the 100vs100 to many leeches that get carried by the people that want to win and are committed.
    Good job yesterday Cantonese :) , if not for the wasters we would have won.
  4. NO SUPPORT!!! I lost both wars I was in because of the chaos and you're just trying to win based on luck, not much strategy is effective. I tried stepping up today to be tracker, of which we could only manage to get two, and I was stuck with track FORTY people. 40. It was the worst experience of kaw I've ever had haha. Maybe at a higher level people are more willing to step up. But I had to give up my chance to do well in the war and do a half ass job of tracking 40 different people when over 100 people are getting knocked out all at the same time. No support for a war that discourages strategy. These wars were just based on who had the least inactives and who had more firepower. War should be about being able to win against the odds by playing smart! Not by hoping for people to just randomly hit the right people
  5. I would support 100 v 100 on 2 conditions: 2 hour war and at LEAST 15 minute ko time, to allow for some time to regroup and strategize targets.
  6. But yes, my team had several inactives and that's what it ultimately comes down to. You can't possibly account for 100 random people on a team. And even some actives are just hopeless at war unless you tell them what to do, but 10mins ko time is not enough time to figure out what to tell ppl to do with 100 different targets
  7. I did 4 100v100 indy wars this weekend. For the most part they were pretty fun but alot of work for wc trackers and getting everything organized.

    I would support 50v50 on weekends, as i think that would be easier for the players and still big enough to be pretty rowdy and fun.

    I do think that the 2x regen was the best part of this weekend wars though not the size of the rosters. I would not want 2x regen permanently for all of KaW, but I think 2x regen would be great to implement into war, or make it a variable into certain wars like how the devs change the KO times, roster sizes, dtw/dts, ect.
  8. I enjoyed these alot (won 2 between two accounts and only lost one). Makes it interesting. Forces team work and makes normally bad strats potentially work. Can go either way. Way more fun then 25 like old sws<3
  9. Support hands down

    Took part in at least 3 almost won one won another then ps decided to leak on our side :|

    Better than normal indi wars the plunders are more closely matched during 100 v 100 as well

    ... Devs really do need to do something about actively destroying war with ps leaks.
  10. Support!!
  11. I preferred the normal Indis as it is easier to sweep and track. Plus for many people it is harder to commit to longer wars, therefore more inactives.
  12. Support!
    I loved the wars because it was harder and needed more skill I just didn't like the bananas 
  13. That's the fun of it though you're able to get that bit more regen at times because in the smaller indi you get gang banged as soon you come out of pin. Bigger indi wars you'll find that there's less people on your ass and you're able to get hits in.

    It even means it's harder to sko so it's better for people on both side and a hinderance.
  14. Support!
    Not sure if anyone's said this but I think the prep time needs to be increased for this. Very hard to organize people in the 45-30min that we had.
  15. @ball

    They're the same duration
  16. I liked the chaos. And for the people that don't, please make sure to not apply for the All-Star war next time it comes up. I'm not sure you'd be able to handle it.
  17. It is an unbelievable amount of work to do the spreadsheet /wc /track... that being said the devs need to determine a way to dicipline those who cast for a chance a try a free win. Nothing pisses me off more than an attack build with 16 actions saying "I got sat on"..

    If your going to war don't be a donkey turd.

    You should need at least 1xstal to even cast. Dont give me that "pay for play" BS. 95% of the people in the big to LB bracket of indi wars DO spend money on their acct.

    If your not 100% active and ready to xstal you shouldn't be casting. It's a cheap, low character move... and you deserve to pay.
  18. Support but keep the wars 1 hour not everyone has 2 hours to spare