100vs100 sucked. The leaks, the moles, and the conflict was unreal. I think people made lifelong enemies in this.
That too^. @Baby Yes I am holding some support for other war related improvements should they surface.
Support, these were a lot of fun. But no they shouldn't award more than others. Unless you're tracking or wc you're just showing up and warring for an hour like any other war. I would like a way to reward the trackers and wc, though. Perhaps some kinda button by their name in cr for people to click and after so many votes they are registered as than position and get extra rewards.
Support!!!!! Complete support. I lost mine but this was an amazing war and it forced people to work together and hate each other! I loved the noob tears
If you don't like them don't participate. Not like you're going to trip over your feet, drop your phone accidentally leave clan and cast woc at the exact moment and find yourself trapped in one.
100 people a little much and too much effort for an hour long war especially to have to do it repeatedly... Maybe if the duration was extended? its just alot of unecessary work lol
All ppl supporting r not thr ones having to track or fill out a ss in 30 mins and then running around with ppl checking in and asking for targets etc. Support 3am PDT would be better.
As much as i enjoyed 100vs100 Indy wars there r too many leeches hoppin a free ride. This inequitable fact does NOT warrant more of these wars. Best to look forward to the annual ASW or add more of same.