100 Zafties likely to be stripped or farmed.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *UmbrellaorZaft (01), Aug 14, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]

    Have fun with that
  2. Strip me instead ;)
  3. Nick hun you're on my special list, thats better than any list 
    Lurie, im disappointed  explain 
  4. Yes wibby I think I need bodyguards
  5. Did the devs create a way to strip an allyless pure spy?!? 
  6. Though I agree that ZAFT is overrated and overpowered, how do you expect to strip all if these big name accounts with your stats?
  7. Ok guys step it up lets get them a bigger list. My goal is to make the list and my allies are cheap. BTW tz is est. Remember kids its a game with Fake gold.
  8. Strip cella and redstar seems legit 
  9. His owner is probably his main
  11. this reminds me of op
  12. 
  13. Lol. Stripping red, cella, and laoda would exhaust an unholy amount of gold, not to mention you couldnt do it without several high ranking ally LB players maxing Xtals. What comes after hundred tril? Im sure red knows GL OP
  14. I suggest op to start from urza or Zeus  Are difficult targets 
  15. Quadrillion
  16. Idk what come after that...
  17. Ill say this, you are very ambitious. Good luck.
  18. Hilarity is rampant
  19. Lol that's going to take some time good luck statless alt