100 Zafties likely to be stripped or farmed.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *UmbrellaorZaft (01), Aug 14, 2013.

  1. :lol: this thread is so stupid
  2. Person asking about me, i tried to.count but lost track a few times, u count! ^_^
  3. Doesn't matter, you can't see all his allies. He'd have 250, plus any gained from reset achievements and the extra 10 you can buy in the oracle.
  4. Think OP took a break from watching Teletubbies or Barney the dinosaur to write this  about the right brain capacity  you clearly fit right in over there 
  5. So who would like a sneak peak for who's next?
  6. Can I be next? Oh pretty please? You look SOOOO scary!!!
  7. Lol post your main well see who's next 
  8. UMBRELLAorZAFT reveal your main you stupid fool, don't be a coward hiding behind his own ****, it's obvious you can't handle nothing. If you can't handle **** here, you can't handle it in real life. Either **** me up or reveal yourself.
  9. Am I in your list? I wanna see the sneak peal :p
  10. 1000-947+22-42+17
    Anyone above there should watch out next 48 hours.
  11. I didn't make list show me ur main noob I need to work harder
  12. Lol we are in an osw we always look out for each other u noob. Now u have school in the morning time for bed little one 
  13. According to forum post there are 1000 members in zaft so your list here is short id say by about 900 people but there are more targeted strips as well enjoy figuring out who we really have planned happy guessing
  14. Nick :lol:
  15. Lol someone just said red has 36t in allies.

    It was leaked by laoda that he has 650-700t in allies
  16. Im sure ALL names on that list are shaking in their boots..

    I bet some of them are thinking of pre-emptive reset..

  17. #50 on the above list - T1 watch out the next 48h 