100% SH Rosters - Your thoughts!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Apr 21, 2014.

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  1. And I know they would love to reciprocate. Lol
  2. @IGCB ive actually been a forum mod quite a while now, sorry you must have retired/reset again and missed it 
  3. EE has gone down hill considerably since S1. The worst thing to happen was the hit ratio turned on. It opened the door to massive exploits to avoid a true match up. Ppl will always try to cheat the system and it's up to the devs to stop it.
    They need to lock the roster so you must have a min bfe (to prevent equip dropping) and a min cs. I believe a max allowable bfa per clan would also be useful to prevent lb stacks. Most lb clans are happy to rotate lb rather then put all on one roster. If your build doesn't allow another build to plunder then it shouldn't be allowed in a plunder war, simple.. then the exploits of PS would stop. It's easy to have max and min lv at different tiers of cs and bfa.
    The premise of EE used to be to ko the opponent and weaker clans could prevail, now it's just based on plunder, you can easily dominate the war and get the most ko but still lose because the sh on the roster got more gold per hit. It used to be about clan loyalty, now it's the rise of merc EE clans with everyone jumping around.
    By listening to every whim and cry, devs have destroyed the once fun war system.
    If fixing the problem of gh/sh plunder is too difficult then lock EE so inside a war every action counts the same for every build. Ppl are losing the enthusiasm to war, I used to have 40 ppl fighting for a spot on the roster now lucky I can find 11.
  4. Ill be watching war 2 to see if people start adjusting their rosters, Im not going to deny we haven't played around with SH rosters at KotFE but for the time and effort put in just to get a no match, we wont be going out of our way to war with a mainly SH roster anymore, we will war with family SH are available. And if that means we war big, then we shall join the others choosing this option. Anyone not liking these match-ups has an option to change things
  5. Vix, I agree that the SH only rosters are interesting, but nothing has really changed...also If u switch to a more "traditional" roster, your clan has a higher chance of the dreaded "LB/super SH" roster match....the higher your total CS, more you'll match Kreu/RH ect anyways...so better? Maybe not...worse? Possibly...now your hemmed between opting too few tanks, and getting all SH, or opting too few and drawing LB/SH....maybe you should drop your build like everyone else...I think you'd make a sexy little SH. The fix needs to be something bigger, a plunder change that hits both the super top end (while they'll freak) and the super low end. Or maybe some kind of lesser plunder change combined with a more realistic DTW/DTS system...while currently LB rank 1000 can "hit and be hit" by a top 20.... let's be realistic, the fraction of a 1% chance of winning isn't really "fair" indicator of who should be allowed to hit who, % chance of winning should be a determining factor in a real DTW/DTS system.0
  6. It all comes back to Versa 's post of a while ago...

    huge bfa shs can easily challenge mids, but the plunder is calculated on cs only, so they fight like mids and pay and get paid like an allyless sh...

    I don't believe in nerfing one build, as the next closest build will take over after the nerf. Since fights get decided on the total of cs, bfe, bfa, clan bonus, mith spells and pots used, plunder calculations should use all of these factors too.

    Exploit builds will automatically disappear...
  7. I agree vix.. I have also been playing with roster and to do all the work and get no matches or just bad matches is tiring. I'm like you I rather just stick to my family. I remember back when the did beta wars a few weeks back and how many clans signed up. I would love to see that again soon.
  8. I support all sh rosters.

    If clans don't stack sh with a few tanks, they won't face all sh rosters.

    However it also exposes even more so the failings of the matchup algorithm and what's deemed "fair" as the lb/sh stacking rosters usually end up 7/8sh vs 11 since the lb/tanks are dts .

    But I don't shed a tear for any clan running out 2/3 lb and 6/7/8 sh.
  9. Very interesting to see some accounts now complaining about being hard done by. Some have short memories of 2-3 months ago, some have long memories. Stacking rosters r being beaten at their own game. The irony here is quite humerous.
    If bigs r dts all war now and their sh minions need to fight their wars for them, maybe big rosters are the answer.
    But there are a few of us who already knew warring big was right all along.
  10. Havnt faced a all sh roster since I stopped EE but from what you've said vix I agree they may solve the problem themselves if stacked clans get beat by 100% sh rosters non stop. Maybe things are looking up for future EE... Will wait and see
  11. Also no loss of ee when leaving clan has had a effect ppl can freely move from clan to clsn --- go back to the loss of a level when u leave a clan
  12. War 1 was kinda suprising when we faced Ghost Legion their roster was 11 sh against us 1 lb #100 and 2 bigs plus 7 SH. With that amout of BFA our #1 had... Was a joke against 11 sh. So i am thinking the same thing how wars in War 2 will be made. 
  13. I'm with torn. I remember no remorse posting to war big. But everyone seemed happy. Now the manipulators start losing and warring big seems to be the answer. Lol. Well I hope more do.war big. But in the meantime I'm gonna eat some popcorn and watch the manipulators get smacked around till the either go all sh or all big. Either way most sh outta my range and I'm ussually the smallest in our wars. So war bigs and maybe you'll see me in your newsfeed soon ;)
  14. I am enjoying the tears of the stacking ass-hats that destroyed the entire EE system. It's about time that you come off of your high horses and Shetland ponies. It's YOUR fault that the system is where it's at!

  15. I don't get it Farming isn't a rule but 90% of kaw deem it fair play to implement it to the rules of there clans not to hit more then 5x

    Why don't the community actually stand together and make another rule on fair play with EE rosters ?

    It's oblivious these developers are completely useless and busy handing out raffle winnings to care about fixing this broken system maybe it's time we all look at our selfs and set a rule or two.

    Back in the good old days we used to match our own wars by discussing with clans in the old system I know we can't do that now but we can totally destroy a clan who don't play by the fair play rules.

    Not an easy step I know but seems to me nobody is happy so why can't we all stand together and make our own laws on who we stack in our EE rosters.
  16. The only issue I foresee, is finding the main accounts to the SH and/or finding enough smalls to hit their naked asses. 
  17. Ee is the new gathering for noobs. The tiny bonus u get from ur equipment once it's been canceled out by ur enemies' EB equip is so small. With Kaw's terrible game mechanics the small difference won't matter in OSW. Further more the eb equip has higher spy def which is really all that matters now. All the xtals wasted all the time, pots and mith aren't worth it. Just save the xtals and when u strip u have extra xtals instead of needing unholy. I quit ee cuz it's too frustrating and the devs don't give a **** about any of us. Also the snake devs stole my mith.

    Do like me. Quit ee. It's better over here 
  18. Fully SH rosters are NOT undefeatable. Consider this roster for an 11 man war:

    8 sh
    3 ps
  19. There's no reason to have to ... Just don't use 7 sh and ull never match all sh clans ...

    Problem solved the only people they are matching are people stacking so much that their entire hit ratio is based on sh not the 2-3 tops they are using to dominate anything close to a regular roster

    If u stop trying to manipulate the system to the most extreme u can then u will not have an issue
  20. Accidentally clicked the send button, lol.

    Anyways, all SH rosters are NOT undefeatable. Consider this roster for an 11 man war:

    8 sh
    3 ps with 2mil sdt, barely in range of sh

    Use the sh to get plunder by attacking opponent sh. Use the ps as sh-killers. When facing an all-sh roster, the ps really shouldn't face any trouble, and will give out little to no plunder. Give each ps 3-4 targets, and have them sb their targets to KO. The ps should then work together to keep your opponents KO'd, with your sh getting plunder as they go down.

    Through this method, you should be able to keep most, if not all, of the enemy roster pinned for whole war. Due to them having more sh, they may get more plunder in the first 5-10 min of the war, but this will be quickly made up throughout the remaining time.
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