100% SH Rosters - Your thoughts!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RedHotVixen_MaCHiNE, Apr 21, 2014.

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  1. Yay for the anti growth. Devs stated with the GH nerf that they wanted to promote growth. Not this poor excuse for a war build. This SH is why we can't have nice things.
  2. I wish everyone would just boycott ee wars altogether. War is so much more fun when the only score keeping is done with how many or how few allies a person has. OSW FTW
  3. These sh or GH members are not only ruining EE but ruinin the market aswell......
  4. That's easy for a LCBC hansel to say. Some of us would rather like to continue growing, especially when we can't even punch through the new towers.
  5. I have no problem with all sh rosters as long as they are matched with all sh clans. The current situation is a shame and disgrace.
  6. What about the clans without massive LB or close to match you guys? We have to deal with the sh rosters.

    The sh rosters proves how bad the hit ratio system is.
  7. As a sh In warlor(not a actual member but I'm here ) most wars here I have no opp :) .
    And when I have a opp it like mostly 1 opp .
    So the match up thingy works just not like you'd want it to.
    if you want a atk vs atk build a 90% atk roaster.
    don't be afraid of losing because of no lb it's actually the same thing as having to face a all sh clan so your ****** either way just build according to what typ of build you like to meet stop bitching about it .
  8. Hahaha I knew this was going to happen, well maybe ask yourself this, does my clan use sh in war? If the answer is yes even though you only use one your still using shs so my advice for you is stop complaining because some group is taking advantage of this system just like your clan was taking advantage but now they are just taking it one step further, I'm sure you hear everyone complain about sh and I'm sure you weren't complaining because you were using shs to stack up and get matches and I bet when you saw the people complaining you said "deal with it" so guess what? DEAL WITH IT.
  9. Support for 100% sh!
  10. simple fix is to make sh pay same as anyone else with what means lands will stop people using them. awsome might encourage growth unlike the broken system devs use now.
  11. Isn't there an official thread made by the devs that we were suppose to discuss this on.
    I know they ignore it and it's frustrating but as a forum moderator I thought you would of followed your own advice and referred back to that thread.
    And ee I screwed devs don't give a monkeys about it three seasons of screw ups and changes and were still no further forward
  12. I disagree strongly with having a bfa cap why should someone have to give up their choice of a build just because they have too much in ally's?
  13. Nobody asks me to war anymore 
  14. That thread you're referring to was for season 3 wars.
  15. Sh rosters are easy to avoid.

    I've said it before I'll say it one last time

    Use ur stacking with lb and sh, but IF U DONT WANNA MATCH SH CLAN, DONT DROP EQ
  16. @Muppet-Master that thread was indeed about Season 3, this thread is about the brand new trend of 100% SH rosters and their impact on EE. Correct me if I'm wrong , but EE completely changed in the last week
  17. Here is a little tip,
    You want to win wars, you make an sh roster,
    If you are a tank or mid and you think your missing out on wars, its your choice whether you war and lose alot or dont war at all. If you want to war and win become an sh. If you dont want to drop build then, well you will lose.
  18. Yes lets all drop build - im off too do that right now 
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