100,000 battle wins did happen!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by pollyanna, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. Dude, you joined in April, you're a complete noob...you can't accurately comment on this matter
  2. Whatever man. It's still quite sad.
  3. Lol, not if you know the truth of the matter. You do know this started as them trying to help KaW and then they discovered the exploit?

    I thought not
  5. If u find exploit devs ask u pm them. (feedback). Many ppl have done so, many ppl you know have done so. I didn't hit 24dude, n Polly 2-3x bcuz of craziness in wc. Once realizing they were exploiting game, I stopped. It's not only the cheated wins, but the billions kaw got from it, that can do everything from rising prices to other nonsense. There's more to it then a lb and wins to the devs. And as we pay for their BMW and mansion, why do they want a few ruining it.
  6. This thread is complaining about a fixed exploit, way to show your thanks the developers fix a problem to keep the game fair and enjoyable, and all you do is complain, show some respect, they do stay active on this free game, you should be thankful that they have not moved on yet.
  7. Agreed. There's so much whining. If you want to be the Sirens of KaW, that's fine. Find a legit way to do it.
  8. @Punisher...I'm not complaining to them
    about fixing the exploit...it's not gonna happen anymore, so be it. I'm ticked that they took away legit wins from people who were helping much of KaW
  9. ...helping kaw. Free wins. It's a war game. EARN wins. It was exploited for $/wins/lb. Go play "girl wars" or something. Giving money to kaws weak n in need, may seem helpful to u, but for every1 else it hurts. Go earn your wins stop whinning for free wins, free money. Go play monopoly by yourself and cheat, just as much fun.
  10. If they want there wins then they shouldn't have exploited the flaw so much, this was just a slap on the wrist for exploiting rather than informing them of the error, it's annoying to develop a game to be played in one style and then have it exploited from an error and have it appear in there leader boards. The LB is there to show who is the best at playing the game the devs way not who can exploit errors the best.
  11. Also lol Havoc, agreed.
  12. Havoc...you assume I'm ticked because I also relied on PA and 24dude for $...I didn't. I'm just tired of the devs constantly pissing off a majority of players in this game...especially when they don't give a legit reason for it
  13. Sholron, I am certain you have no objective criteria oncesoever to determin what a "majority" of players feel regarding this or any other matter.

    24 Dude - As you said yourself, you knew you were taking advantage of an exploit. As I said before, my hat is off to you for discovering it and working it to your advantage. But I can not hold a grudge against the devs for removing your wins after fixing the exploit. Had you and Poly not obliterated the LB before the exploit was fixed I expect you would have kept your wins.

    Regarding fairness - the reason you and Poly were targeted is because of the visibility. You are correct that other people managed to gain wins during this period as well as to dole out money OSF style. None of them climbed the LB as a result or had nearly the impact on the economy that you and Poly did. There was no need to dig up each and every player who gained wins in this fashion to correct them because their impact was not significant. Yours was.

    So while you will go down in KaW lore as a bit of a legend, similar to what others have done in the past (who was it that obliterated the LB by buying an insane number of dirt cheap allies?) it is not acceptable to leave you and Poly more than 25k wins over the herd while the rest of KaW tries to catch up. The result would have been far too unbalanced.

    It is a matter of proportion. Life is not fair. Neither is game administration. Not from the perspective of the individual.

    Cheers - you know I respect you.
  14. it sucked what happend to dud24
  15. Nyn, I have no "certain" statistics, but neither do you. I can base mine off the sheer number of people who took advantage of this opportunity, and can reasonably assume that they would want the return of these wins. Also, with the exception of the top 150 or so on the battles LB, I don't believe anyone else would have anything against getting their wins back either
  16. @nyn: As I wrote before, the devs removed our wins a second time, 24 hrs after the first time, when very few people had noticed that we had gotten more.

    So, your theory does not work. That is what really bothered me and made me realize that the true reason they removed our wins was another one.

    So, please reread my previous message carefully and tell me what you think.
  17. Ps. The message I'm talking about is my long one at the bottom of Page 5.
  18. they should put up 1 build with troops and the rest towers that would work cuz they rnt ghost towers
  19. Here's the reason broken down: Abused exploit without notifying devs Dolled out thousands of win/loss stats Gave away billions in cash. Not playing Kingdoms at WAR gameplay. The game is designed to run one way, obviously they didn't follow that, like pollys wall post "from 59 to 2" that's freaking immpossile to do for 99.9% of kaw players. It goes against basic idea of the gameplay. So it was taken away, like devs said. Again do not speak for "kaw". Most of us don't cry over spilled milk, o sorry, over free wins. Devs already explained, don't abuse a error in game. Their doing their best, don't like it leave. (seems lotta osfs be open longer with u gone. Lol)
  20. I don't know Pollyanna or 24dude. I don't see why the devs went so far as to reset THEY'RE wins as opposed to every other player out there that also gained wins in the way they have.

    Despite not making leaderboards they have undertaken the same actions as Polly and 24. I dnt c any warnings on wc when some declares themselves open farms in order to gain wins.

    The loophole has been fixed. If they deserve the wins they'll stay in LB. If they dnt they'll drop naturally. There's no harm in encouraging players who feel cheated to simply commit themselves more to the game. I don't see how taking a turtle build is against the mechanics of the game. There is a defender class. A class made to receive atks n win them.

    Not that it's been fixed why reset these two players? It's like pushing ppl for using a bug spray on their lawn before the law was pushed throw to ban the products.