100,000 battle wins did happen!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by pollyanna, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. Those wins were 100% legit, end of story
  2. Pollyanna.wins.legitness > 9000!!!

    Or if you do C++...
    this->24dude->wins->legitness > 9000!!!
  3. WTF devs reset their wins even more... This is extremely stupid an screwing the game. I guess if u don't spend real life money (hacked or wutever) you aren't a legit player. smh devs... Btw still no answer from them.
  5. I went to my friends' football game once... they smashed the opposing, and undefeated, team 32 - 0.
    I suppose my friends' team should have been reset too.

    I'd rather be doomed to be the lowest ranking player in the game, than to see a legitimate player punished for being the best - within the rules.

    Support to Pollyanna.
  6. I know pollyanna nd 24dude are gods who somehow get money? They should have there attacks back
  7. 2nd thread on this....

    but yes, i agree that the wins should stay. anything fixed should be in the future. they figured out a way to get those wins, they deserve them. it should be fixed, but not removed retroactively.

    funny they are so strict on THIS, out of all things.

    devs seem to be getting a little crazy with the policing lately. threads being deleted (how about removing that ONE post instead and saying "removed"), people being banned from areas without details of why, etc. yet, people who violate things they specifically have already warned about are "warned" again and again.... hmmm...
  8. Agree give them there wins back or take away all leaderboards win when against players who attacked them!!! This is complete bs and all of kaw agrees but one person who shall not be named lol.
  9. Hi everyone - you're right in that they didn't perform any illegal actions. While it is our fault that we didn't discover this loophole earlier, the way the the wins were gained goes against how we intended the game to be played.

    Our stance on this is to improve the game whenever we find a defect - we cannot allow issues like this to go unchecked. We don't want to encourage people to exploit loopholes in the game knowing that they won't be punished. Can you blame us if we are trying to make the game better for everyone? If you discover an exploit and continue to abuse it instead of reporting it to us, rest assured that there is a good chance that we will reverse the damage done to the game.
  10. I do not agree with the admins
  11. Admins if that is exploiting a loophole is it then exploiting a loophole if I get hit and win. Because that's what happened to them. If you do this take away all wins by defending.
  12. I kinda see a point of this thread where do you draw the line. If I open to my clan with def towers and make a measly 1-2k wins over time will u take them away? Or only when I threaten the leaderboard? I've been playing a few months I'd say and as a purespy I have 1900 wins. I run full pots 24/7. So devs where will the line be drawn?
  13. It wasn't their fault. They had so many people attacking and many failed. Therefore they got a win per each fail. It's the same as defending from a random battle list hit just on much larger scale. It shouldn't even be punished but if so why not punish every member who's ever successfully defended an attack?
  14. I understand your intent devs but lately the changes/updates have made kaw a lot less fun :(
  15. Damage done to the game? No, devs... You mean people might have to revert to buying your crystals and nobility points, vs having a small edge.... No matter how short lived. Reinstating their wins hurts no one; since the loopholes have been closed. So devs...you've very clearly and concisely robbed not only Polly and 24, but everyone.
  16. @kaw_admin
    well its good u fixed it but...
    Do u see anyone complaining about them making wins lb? There not even on overal lb
    we all want them back up there... So your helping the game by fixing it, but hurting the community by resetting them
  17. Plus there goes a good source of income for many KaW players
  18. Whatever the devs has decided is final, them changing their wins back shows that the devs are weak and give into pressure, so although you kay think it harsh and disagree with it nothing is going to change
  19. They should not get their wins back. They gained at least a few thousand wins Every hour. That's not realistic with troops
  20. So? What does that matter? People attacked them and lost.
    Therefore they won. And a win, by defending or attacking, is still a win.