10 millon gold givaway

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Dark-Side, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. Hmm look at that there's a player named LoL......lol
  2. I can get 200mill in an hour don't need this fail of a thread make it a bill and u got a deal
  3. Best name? Watever I need 100mill so

  4. Timmy T. Baggins
  5. Gimme 100mil. Fanged wolf
  6. 
  7. plz appreciate how hard I worked on that
  8. I need100 million for next land please can I have it my name is Dustin
  9. Jason (aka.
  10. Oops the aka messed it up
  11. Really look at that! How can I not win!
  12. K my names Jason

  13. 
  14. Is this a trick question?
  15. My name is Dusty!!