1 v The Insane Asylum clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Blueberry, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]
  2. It can't be bc I dropped like 3 spy bars on him 2 hours ago
  3. Can't do screen shots on mobile( app crashes when I try) but hey it may work on others. As I made the post on your wall and please follow the instructions.
  4. Yea I'm not getting any feed of spies or attacks
  5. Damn, this thread went from a CF to a raging war within a short span.
  6. http://prntscr.com/2j6kba
  7. Thats not a bad thing lmfao
  8. That was @maximus
  9. Hmm, maybe you should restart your phone. Perhaps email support about this glitch. The glitch also made your mysteriously dtw. Weird. Here, I'll grab you the support email address.
  10. Reach woke up today and put on his troll pants
  11. Op there it is but I want my defense loses to go up but they won't do it I guess Ill be fine with scout loses going up too. But no profile proof with it:( so I can't show off my loses
  12. You go girl :lol:
  13. And they were tight!
  14. Lol get me that email! I need it!
  15. I'm talking to you mot
  16. Dang am I really dtw?? Already!
  17. You just realized lawl
  18. I never had a use for my troops before