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Discussion in 'Wars' started by Balto573, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. Just read entire thread and am amazed balto actually is as idiotic as he is annoying.
  2. Hi forums *waves hands*
  3. Did anyone else see him say he has a decent bfa? Anyways...this thread is pointless other then making everyone realize how much of a ***** you are balto...who runs from there clan and joins the enemy...I have both respect for you at all...and idc how badass you think you are cause you get farmed a lot...just because people stop farming you doesn't mean you've won...maybe you should listen to everyone else and grow a ******* brain because after seeing this thread you have got to be the stupidest person I have come across on KaW
  4. I farmed skilla other day... Horrible warrior 
  5. Not one in forums but SKILIA.
  6. Skilla is a scrub, Balto

    Like he said, don't listen to scrubs.
  7. I'm clearly the fan favorite in this thread.
  8. Why was this thread even created? If you want to farm someone/be farmed keep it to yourself.
  9. He is a "troll" so he wanted to "troll" everyone and show that he is a badass tap tap warrior.
  10. Who runs away from fights
  11. Devil ur a wanna be retard. So what brings you to Pure Evil? Just curious to know..
  12. You idiots had me tuned in the entire thread...like a Jerry Springer episode. Mindless entertainment.
  13. I have been a pure evil member for a year and a half, thanks for the half-wit comment though.
  14. Way to get an audience! True mofos dont make threads we just smash em!
  15. Oh shot its still alive I was asleep for like ten hours how the **** is it still around
  16. Balto you need to stop crying remember just 6 months ago when I smashed you ? Sarc is a warrior why dont I remind you of how bad you are!
  17. All this big talk and you have no defense pots haha same joke as before
  18. You say you talk in nf but your a really quiet talker...at least waste a bar on me...and don't worry as soon as your not dtw I'll be yours
  19. I remember oos i was a council member lol we kicked ass 