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Discussion in 'Wars' started by Balto573, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. Lol Shaun, he said he learned from you
  2. Like I said wait the one or two months it will take and then I'll fight you
  3. Thats no creation of mine
  4. No balto, cause alison might give up farming your fail ass, I won't.

  5. There's a lot of trolls on this thread :eek:
  6. Unless he is a stalker
  7. Anyway I'm bored who wants to fight me how bout Shaun and care bear I'll let you know when I've regened enough to be hit
  8. Carebear is far worse than I could ever be. I remember when he applies to kotfe assassins, they gave him a really hard time to test his mettle.

    Carebear held his own. Is see him in cc all the time taking care of osw business.

    Don't upset him to much. Is not good idea .
  9. I can no longer sit properly after the ass kicking carebear gave me.
  10. Ass kissing, get it right dammit, I told you already!

    Go sit by your corner.. Naaaao
  11. Balto is like me.... Can get our ass kicked 958,598 times with no hope of winning but we get back up and say "is that all you got chump?"

    After all its about breaking the will to fight.....no want no will no win no war
  12. You haven't had your ass kicked 958, 598 times donkey. You've had it kicked 3142 times. Noob
  13. '=

  14. What the hell is this ****? Nothing more then a universal conglomeration of absolute verbal diahrea. I don't think I've ever read such a disgusting diatribe of ******** in my life. Please.... None of you never ever ever reproduce, spare the future.
  15. @ ty. This is the where noob central is located.
    Anyone who posts here. Including you, including me, is kaws most noobiest of noobs.

    Welcome to the club.
  16. Alison , can get..as in could get...sorry slang and euphemism must be hard for you. It was a hypothetical