1 v 1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Codeine, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. @SNR

    Equipment makes the difference.
  2. Yes a ps loses less in a fight against a hansel
    But my point is that I can earn way more pinning my troops on other targets or eb (heaven forbid) than a ps can ever burn from me in pots. And as predator can attest your spies are not going to regen very often when fighting me  so you're not going to be burning very many pots.
  3. And equipment (bfe) is not going to help you much when your pots and allies are all gone and I'm makin it rain
  4. That's fine, I need a bil for mp and I go potless 
  5. Over a few months codey my spies would be full enough to burn more than you take.

    You may be able to make gold elsewhere but if I wasn't there burning you'd have gotten it all.

    I plan to make like dull for those I fight n make it last for a long time (other than earlier when I forget to remove my stable n gave em a free lunch for a few ours whilst i was inactive - oops ). Not met anyone who can perma pin me over weeks so far. Few clans have done it for a few days but they get bored n lazy as well.
  6. IGCB - yup equipment helps but the guy I hit had decent bfa that I could see, similar equipment and 6.9m def. My stable shoulda bounced off even with me full n him low - I'm convinced there's a weak spot within the mechs or it really is a magic stable 
  7. Seriously though fighting a friendly 1v1 against a pure spy is pointless. I am currently pinning predator who spoke up earlier on this thread. I was not going to take him on but he started hitting so now he's pinned for days lol

    I have called him out before on bringing his main into this fight, but he has ignored the request. So, I will call you out one more time. Make it worth my while to keep fighting (pinning) you, and bring an account that actually has something to lose. I am fighting with my main. Why are you scared to do the same?
  8. Once again this is my main. You posted of forums giving in the big guy routine as you spend a great deal of money on here which gives you a tactical advantage, now I have a tactical advantage on you.. Goes to show, you play with feathers n your gonna get ya butt tickled.

    Pinned for days? Lol.. You couldn't pin the tail on the donkey with the blind fold down
  9. Anyone can scout you and see that you're spies are zeroed  and have been for 3 days straight. Idk who you trying to convince here. You have not nor will not ever be able to even touch me or my assets. You can take that **** to the bank. Quit posting your own wall like a noob and hiding behind your little spy alt (that you obviously purchased) like a little chicken **** school kid and come fight me
  10. No I am not accusing predator of cheating. I am merely stating that with 190k wins you would have to buy a lot of nobility points to build a T5 hlbc spy. Therefor, if he is willing to spend real money on that account, it is my bet that he spends real money on another account as well. Not saying there is anything wrong with that. Just an observation
  11. I will say this...Cody will slap that PS guys around with ease, but nothing to do with the PS but everything to do with me teaching Cody everything he knows. I created Cody and therefore I am the only one that can destroy him. Rules of life people get with the program or change the channel.
  12. Tim, why haven't you taught me? I've tried to learn from you thousands of times, yet you always cast me aside.

    Predator isn't pinned right now, just tested. Maybe caught on regen or something?
  13. Unlocked due to the discussion that was taking place. However for future reference, next time you want a 1 v 1, please take it to world chat.
  14. Hey Cody, good to see you still kicking ass and forgetting names... :twisted:
  15. I disagree, Im guessing around 30k of my wins are on actual players (not osfs) and probably another 30-40k wins (on osfs which didn't pay well) if a player started during PVE era and was super active I'm guessing they could have HLBC by 120k wins. I'm at 200k wins right now, have spent a very minimal amount on this game, and am just about hlbc.
  16. You can HLBC with a GH in 50k wins
  17. I haven't done the math but I am almost certain 200k wins will not buy 25 level 3 volaries. Thx for unlocking. However, I disagree that 1v1 should not be searched out and discussed on forums. Forums is a much better medium as not everyone has speakers to use and wc is flooded with eb ads 24/7
  18. And further more, I feel that you are over stepping your job description as a moderator. It is your job to moderate, not to decide which topics are suitable for discussion on forums and which topics are not. Discussing 1v1 warring on kaw is completely within our rights as game players and forum users. As long as no terms of use are being broken you do not need to interfere.
  19. End rant 