Of course, how do you get devs to look at a thread lol? Because if the see all the comments and ideas i think they could create something out of it
Lets just give everything away for free and make everything equal and live in LaLa land. Go play candy crush kid
Thats not helping either, please only post if you have something to contribute to the forum, not to mention this has nothing to do with free stuff
Free as in you didn't have to earn it.1v1 all day than bank your gold in bars.You want mith,equip,xstals,and purple swords...shud up
All the match-ups for 1v1 would prolly crash the server or at least create a lot of lag.. Why would the loser get anything.. A participation reward Fail thread No support
@phoeniyx as of right now the devs are busy doing trial and error with ee wars , and they haven't even started recognizing bfe as a factor.So really we have to wait for ee war to be mastered before this can be thought of.
...you cant just 1v1 all day it would be 1-2 hours probably a limit of 1 per day or certain times a day, can you stop trolling and go do something with your life
I can win mith for a 1 or 2 hour 1v1?? That's not gonna work.. Trying to do match-ups would be crazy.. You gotta think this stuff through before you make anymore threads big guy
You spend 14 mith to do an EE war and if you lose you get a chance to win 13-15 mith by doing the Paladin.. Not really winning mith there.. Looks like breaking even