Discussion in 'Strategy' started by MaLLorYKnOcKS, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. You need what? The 1mil from the hire? You're not that strapped for cash are you?
  2. Ban the noobs! pls volley me to 100 trillion so I can buy a clan and watch it fail.
  3. I dont want a clan the extra cash can help I make about 10 bill a day on a good day I'm working in my highlands
  4. I have no need for a clan and I'm not a noob and I'm building the hard way no nobs or anything
  5. I have bought no nobilities, and I am not asking for a volley.
  6. It gets harder to build
  7. If you are a guild hansel and your complaining about money I will be even more mad...
  8. I'm converting right now
  9. Yea shak didn't have 2t. He wanted to, and did, beg me for a clan. nUb
  10. Can I be volleyed to 130 bil plz
  11. I really need a volley to 2t too.

    Because yes, that 70m, or however much, is more use to me now rather than later when I'm hlbc ;)