1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a gif war (again)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Jul 26, 2015.

  1. :lol: :lol:
  2. Frog you show off.
  3. That, Frog, was the best bump of all time. 
  4. I can't get enough of that bump. 
  5. Wait who TF removed a bunch of frogs gifs?
  6. not only his gif were removed... alot of others were remove as well...
  7. And Frog was silenced too.

    All because somebody complained to support about the thread.

    They don't like it so nobody else should!!!
  8. Why delete post of such a good thread? :( don't like it don't open it simple
  9. I agree as well
  10. Figure8 is perm banned on forums. Lol. Posted too many 'inappropriate' gifs.
  11. wow that sux.. they post some good 1s...


    Anyways back on topic
    Has anybody else done this?
  12. Both Frog and Ashes were permanently forum banned because some idiot with no sense of humor cried and cried to the devs. The devs are idiots for their knee-jerk reactions if you ask me.
  13. devs need 2 give a reason here y they were banned... from what Ive seen they didnt post anything against tou... unless they changed again
  14. It was probably a heavyset woman who reported them... They be jelly of the lack of belly on the women they posted for our enjoyment
  15. Lol true. I don't see how I posted anything anything against the rules. Neither did ashes or frog. Whatever. 90 days and I'll be back at it. Posting lots of gifs for your enjoyment. 
  16. Keep the war going! For the love of GIF!
  17. I'll take what she's having...