0.0 never thought of it like this before

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Archer123, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. *really
  2. Someone posted this story in forums awhile back. Care to explain revolver?
  3. When I troll I suddenly don't feel good about it.
    Like I'm trolling myself 
  4. Yeah floppy, because I clearly wrote this is all my work, ideas etc and that I wrote the story.

    Oh, wait.
  5. I noticed after i posted that you had authors name at the top. Brain fart. I hoped you'd just ignore. Im shwowwwy.
  6. Expand your horizons...
    If it was in my power, I would strip farm almost everyone in this thread.
  7. Even me Tex? 
  8. Kat-Marc = dumbass

    Just sayin :lol:
  9. You're only stripping yourself, Tex. 
  10. I really loved that, haven't heard that before. Where did you get that?
  11. I'll have to search for the author. Really good read Revolver.
  12. So kids, the moral of the story is?
  13. deep
  14. That was a cool story, interesting to think about....cool
  15. Now I'll be paranoid that all of you are me , IM SWABIA! RAWR!!!
  16. That's interesting.

    You all are beautiful beautiful people. (because you're me)