🪞 Shattering the Illusion 🪞 Clan Event

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Jace, Mar 21, 2023.


  2. ATA: cost to unlock next land is 4.5Quadrillion Gold ....

    Also ATA: Here's a few cents to help out with that.

    Players: *clown face* Yay more EB rotation
  3. Pay to play events,waste of time.....unless you like wasting money.
  4. Oh our collectathon started just as we started aota! Oh we did so well out of that one! Devs I don't actually think the English language has a word to describe you all! However being Welsh we have the perfect one! TWMFFAT. (Pronounced) toomfat
  5. Few Bronze bars and less than a dozen tokens?

    Last tier exclusively made for premium ebs ofc.

    I feel like a Madmax wretch been given a few drops of water.

    Even broke private servers make less greedy moves than ATA does..
  6. Here is the feedback I left ATA that was given a generic copy/paste response. I figured that someone might actually read it here. Please feel free to correct me if I am mistaken about anything as I only recently started playing again.

    The event rewards and competition rewards are garbage. I like the clan event, though hitting the clan hall seems like a lazy way for you not to program something.

    The competition rewards for the old competitions were actually decent giving health crystals and trader tokens, the silver bars were useless though because you give so little. Now for the new competitions, you have to hope your eb finishes during an hour, and that before then you finished the eb that dropped the other item first. Even if you get the item drops, you get bronze bars and 5 trader tokens. The main trader token thing that gets bought costs 600 trader tokens.

    Lands and upgrades have started to cost quadrillions, and you give out bronze and silver bars as rewards. The last land costs 42 quadrillion.

    To get just 1 quadrillion you would need 44.444 MILLION bronze bars. Which would equal roughly 296,000 competitions worth of bronze bars.

    The base tier of an event gives 500 silver bars. Which is worth 1.125 Trillion. The top tier gives 750 silver bars which is 1.687 Trillion.

    It would take 888 event tiers to get 1 quadrillion if you go by the 500 silver bars, and 592 event tiers to get to 1 quadrillion if you got 750 silver bars.

    There are 9 event tiers per event, 10 if you get a leaderboard tier.

    Events last 2 weeks.

    It would take you 118 weeks to get 1 quadrillion worth of silver bars, if you got 750 silver bars per tier and 10 tiers per event.

    The last land costs 42 quadrillion.

    If you wanted to buy that with event rewards silver bars, it would take 4956 weeks, or in easier terms 95 years.

    The rewards need to grow a lot. The ones you give now are a joke. I hope my math helps you understand that, but I doubt it will.
    xST-KALI, e, Alex-Warface and 7 others like this.
  7. Event rewards do need to grow. Only way to grow is it clan hop for plates and attend blitz sessions. It is a struggle to stay playing the game knowing how hard it is to grow. I wish devs would really see this feedback and make changes
    xXsHaNeThEcReEpXx likes this.
  8. What is with the insane attack stat armor chestplate? Beskar is for defense. It has an actual purpose.
    xXsHaNeThEcReEpXx likes this.
  10. First word that comes to me is WHY!?
    Why so many EXTRA side events!? Nobody got that time for that.
    Why do you actually promote hopping?! Because that is actually you push players to do with allll these extra side events.
    Why are you killing a good vibe!? Because from all the feedback I just read, players are not happy.

    Please just STOP! At least leave the 60k goal and top leaderboard rewards, kill that extra event and the extra extra event. It's annoying as hell. 🙄
  11. The devs obviously think we have no life outside of kaw! The aim to entertain and keep us enthralled with the wonderful legends and the hoops we jump thru for a few tokens in the slim chance we may purchase a prem item to gain naff all is boardering on the insane! Devs do something we want! we did not want competitions we wanted a decent war and you to listen to the kawmunity
    xXsHaNeThEcReEpXx likes this.
  12. The fact this had to be bumped 💀
  13. Imagine if the ATA released a 100k event tier, and also if they released a newer set of EBs to go along with the increase, instead of decades old crusty goth/noth rotations.

    But of course, that'd require actual effort on the part of the "developers". and I think it is beyond them at this point. How do I know? The dearth of new content and the defeaning silence on ALL feedback threads by the Community Managers for weeks now, is loud enough for all to see.


    P.S: (Yes, I maybe be goading the powers that be to respond or atleast prove me wrong by releasing ANY new development, or atleast respond to any of these threads. Either here or on the Suggestions page.)

    P.P.S: (I've lost hope on them making any pvp/war changes)
    And this will be the last time I bother with a forum post, I'll just assume it's a dead game if there's no addressing of player grievances and update my review on the app store as such.
    Bert and xXsHaNeThEcReEpXx like this.
  14. They all to busy playing the new game where in game tickets get a reply and issues are solved! Not crusty old kaw!
  15. Agreed. Gotta be the dumbest frikkin idea ever. Random event reward that helps hoppers even more...for a clan event lol ******* crazy
    #36 AboveAverageGamer, Mar 29, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2023
  16. Events and legends should not favour stronger players either. E.g. the clever quills, which by the way, drop rates for them absolutely suck. But theyre also a prime example. I have found that if a stronger player in my clan does 100 hits and gets 50 quills, I myself am having to do anything up to 3x more hits than them to get a similar amount. I Get you have to contribute more in ebs for better drops but that alone is absurd, stronger players should not be benefiting like that, it should be a threshold where a certain amount of hits qualify for a certain tier of number of items dropped, regardlesa of player strength.

    A very very poorly thought out legend indeed
  17. A very poorly thought out legend!!!!! You actually think they gave this some thought? You over estimate the intelligence of the devs! They gave this event zero thought! Just chucked it together and said that will annoy them all let them suck on that for a bit! Devs deserve credit where its due and they are due none!
  18. There have been many thoughtful, well-reasoned, concerned and detailed comments since this “clan oriented” event started. It appears these events are weighted against any clan that admits guests, for any EB, at any time: how else could my clan have reach the 2 million tier, only to have lost 427,000 by morning! Does this event automatically count reflections from guests, whether they hit the clan hall while in my clan? There’s no other explanation for such a decrease, since none of the clan perms are leaving.
    And the collectathon side thing is a mess, it’s arbitrary, unstable and unfair
  19. When you hit clan hall, it sums up every item currently owned by people currently in the clan (and is capped at 100x the quantity you personally own). This number is variable based on who's in the clan. If you have lots of items personally, you can clear all the clanhall tiers by going to a big clan with enough total items.

    The amount shown on the clan leaderboard is the amount of items that have been formed from drops within the clan - this never goes down, only up over time, and increases when guests have items combine after each eb.