🔥KaW/Single City Cross-Over Event!🔥

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Caster, Nov 2, 2021.

  1. I didnt get my thanaprolis box and it's been a few days?
  2. Do you have an ata account and is both kaw and single city synced to it?
  3. My living room is now @ lv 8 where is my reward for this!?
  4. cruella_Babe20 here from single city. Living room lv 8 reached. no rewards for that??
  5. How are you expecting players from a war game to switch over and design houses and do collabs? I've had this game for a day and I still don't know what I'm doing.
  6. 🧢🧢🧢
  7. yep my email ID is the same and connected to both apps. Still no rewards...
  8. Wonderful update, thanks!
  9. Thanks for the update! The math on finishing wasn’t looking great. Hopefully this will let others who get started a little late make good progress too (I’m at living room 12 in one week of dedicated playing)
  10. Folks having trouble with rewards just start a support ticket in KaW, they got me straightened out
  11. I can help ya if youd like
  12. Thank you guys for lowering the level requirements! It’s much more achievable!. i wonder who else have made it to the throne now 😍🔥. love the furniture!.. the pineapple pizza reward… tops it off though! 😂.thank you ATA!
  13. What you need to know...



  14. Make sure you have logged into your ATA account linked with your KaW account.and you definitely selected KaW rewards when the crossover event popped up on single city?.if those things are done correctly and still no rewards contact the single city devs via the phone,settings, then click the ‘get help’ at the top and open a ticket for support ☺️

  15. Bringing back old ebs isn't called tweaking. 😂
    xWarRocketAJAXx likes this.
  16. It won’t let me use Timelapse in the game even though I have them
  17. Cute for kids maybe, no thanks
  18. If there’s one thing we can agree on it’s this ^ bring the ASW back with new rules and regulations.
  19. Devs literally changed a 0 to a 1 to make the EBS show in the list. That's it.
  20. So no rewards in KaW at all hmmmm