πŸ”’ 2-Factor Authentication! πŸ”’

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Beans, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. Well I been playing for 10yrs spending money on both accts now I cannot log into either..ty ATA now I will finally put this game down and start a bank acct devs I cannot even begin to tell the lose of revenue y'all call at home when u put it back the way it was
  2. Good luck in your future endeavours.
    Bert, Thrawn and briarcasting like this.
  3. Can you please explain the 2 factor ID. I literally started playing again after 3 years. I recovered my account, so what's up with the 2 ID. I have no idea about passwords or anything from when I started in 2010 or 11
  4. I think it’s you who misunderstands, Will. Very few want this…why does your company put so little effort into Kaw and when you do put effort in, it always craps on the player base?
  5. just let us do what we want lil bro
  6. Still a bad move😟
  7. Nice change and glad to see it. I remember a year or two ago tons of users were begging for 2FA when several people got their accounts hacked in a relatively short period of time.
    Also, every 30 days only should be fine for people with 5 accounts. Not too much of a burden. Love this!
  8. Only took a decade. Thanks.