πŸ›οΈ Changes to Pallumen Buildings *Updated*πŸ›οΈ

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023.

  2. The devs will not reply! For they have spoken and there ends the lesson
  3. I'll give ATA one thing, they're consistent... consistently disappointing their customer base.
  4. Having been BC since April 2022 I can confirm that I find return on my gold investment to be terrible both in terms of plunder and stats. So improved plunder and stats on lvl 9 and 10 might make sense and incentify more players to upgrade. My impression is that very few have done any 9 and 10 upgrades. With the massive protests, it seems best to drop the other changes and rather plan better for next lands (hope they come soon). Of course some of those having dropped buildings already to prepare might get upset. Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't 😜
  5. And the lb have spoken! But yeah, by now it might already be too late because people have already acted on the consequences of the update before it even happened
  6. A year or more of tapping for stats down the drain! This game has gone beyond broken and is now nothing more than a joke, devs of this game hang your heads!
  7. Why not simply allow pal plates for level 9 and 10 upgrades and forget the rest? πŸ€”

    Or will devs simply do πŸ™‰πŸ™ˆ
  8. You know, if I was as bad at my job as this dev team is at theirs, I would have been fired within the first week.
  9. Will event rewards in pp played increase by 30% now
  10. That sounds like a reasonable request, and a good idea so it probably won't be implemented lol
  11. Guess this was the feedback from players (big spenders) from their survey. All our feedback are not wanted. Only top few lb feedback are valueble for devs
  12. I m not even sure what to do now... upgrade all pal to lvl8 from (5 and 7) and dropped all pal should get me to 19 lands on pal but 0 building on pal. Or just don't bother about lands and just stats, then I will probably stuck like we used to before plates were introduced....... Maybe that's why Devs wanted, they hate plates since people can get decent size/ stats without spending πŸ’°
  13. I highly doubt any lb players asked for this in the surveys honestly, especially since solve commented on this
  14. Nah don't thinking solve spend so much anymore, I think Teja spending more
  15. I’ve played KAW for a very long time and I agree with 90% of what everyone has been posting, and in my opinion I have no doubt whatsoever we are deluding ourselves if we ever thought we had a say in what ape decide to do with their app, if there ever has been any ideas taken on board by devs,it obviously because it makes them more money and I suppose as it should they are a business after all ,the direction they are taking leads me to believe they need the game to fail ? because if they do take any notice of players we plainly have stated here we are pissed of with the direction the game has taken end off. ! ps what survey?
  16. Well the hour draws ever closer and the silence from our wonderful devs is as we expected! Zero engagement zero empathy zero comments, if anyone one of us thought the devs of this game had one once of integrity or ability to listen and understand the concerns of the players I hope this shows you the utter contempt they hold us in! Kaw has officially become a total sxxt show!
  17. I concur πŸ˜‚
  18. Another boat load of negative responses and still zero positive ones, yet the whilst the clowns insist they are listening, they are still blundering on with this ridiculous idea without any indication they have listened. If only they tweaked the update with any of the community ideas, not only would the players see it as a good update, but maybe restore a tiny bit of hope that the apes aren’t completely incompetent, but it seems they are indeed completely ineptπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
  19. Here's an idea, given that these changes are purely intended to further line the devs' pockets and shaft the ever shrinking dedicated player base, why not make only premium ebs drop these coveted plates? Screw the freeloaders, they need to start contributing towards the next yacht damnit!

    I find it laughable that wars haven't been balanced in a decade, but the moment the players find a way to spend a little less money the devs jump into action to fix it. We can't have any of that, keep swiping your mother's card for those juicy premium eb!