🏛️ Changes to Pallumen Buildings *Updated*🏛️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Hmmm how many would you like to voice their opinions? You are currently one of 120+ that have clearly posted and expressed their disapproval for this proposal..
    This is truly a fantastically bad idea and poorly thought out in my opinion. I would compare it to the Hindenburg Disaster as it is going to go down in flames in an equally spectacular fashion. It would appear this isn't solely my opinion either, literally everyone (120+ replies) that bothered to share their opinion on this thread are overwhelmingly negative in nature and everyone is completely against these newest proposals ATA has suggested.. There appears to be a huge disconnect on what the players actually want, and the "ideas" (atrociously bad) the monkeys at ATA put forward.

    I believe that my growth (and that of many others) will actually stagnate with these new changes. Like most players dropping lvl8s was my primary method of funding growth, with this tactic removed it will be a great deal more difficult to grow outside of premium P2W Ebs... Personally I am struggling to find anything positive about this change, and I believe if the Devs actually played the game they would most likely agree.... Furthermore it would be nice to see some interaction/response from the Devs on this post , and answer some of the questions placed upon this thread.
  2. I would like more of the top spenders to speak up - the ones who can make a real difference. This benefits the highest of spenders, however.
    I also like the idea of a few clans full of players going on ‘strike’ for a few days and not taking part in KaW. See if the devs listen then.
    Agree with your post though 🧽👍🏼
  3. I think the problem is this "change" "update" only really impacts new, medium sized players. The spenders are relatively unaffected as they are already Land Complete, Base Complete... But ATA should at least take heed of the large number of people on this thread clearly showing their disapproval.... But yes some LB players would go a long way with supporting and perhaps even putting pressure on ATA to implement some of the players requests....
    -Kratos- likes this.
  4. As already posted, this new update will only benifit lc bc players and the spenders kaw does not want to cater for freeloaders, like any game the money has to roll in and this update Is ment to encourage you to buy seals and chimes and sit in a prem clan for days to aquire gold to build your kingdom, the devs fail to understand that without the f2p guys kaw would be somewhat deserted, kaw employs the stick method of encouragement rather than offering something that encourages us to spend they force game changes that hinder rather than help, would I spend money on kaw? No not a penny untill some realistic changes to how kaw performs

  5. 💯🔊🎆DING DING DING!🎆🔊💯

    I don't know how to make this more plain and clear.❗❕❗❕

    According to recent forum post our "Kaw Devs", by their own admission, spend most of their time and effort working on other more revenue generating games like Heckfire and Single City and that childish witch game.. KAW DEVELOPMENT IS AN AFTERTHOUGHT FOR THESE "DEVS".

    They hastily come up with half baked "ideas" mostly on the last hour of Friday's Team Meeting like this new ⌚DELAY TACTICS⌚ CALLED "PALLUMEN UPDATE" fixing something 😱3+ YEARS😱 after they were released..
    To waste our time more by 30% doing the same stale content of 🚯RINSE & REPEAT EVENTS🚯 and constant stale 🔄NOTH/GOTH ROTATIONS🔄 over and over with little too no variation like the current copyapasta reskinned Event with a few lines of adlib dialogue...

    This is exactly the crappy DARK PATTERNS that ATA Developers & Community Managers employ abusing our DECADE+ of investment of TIME and MONEY into our Kingdoms because DEVS cannot come up with any new content update, CANCEL ASW, no NEW EB , no NEW LANDS, no matchmaking fixes, no gifting, no charm calculator, no glitch fix, no UX improvements.. Barely dripfeeded a 4hr change of pace with the competitions' inherent competitiveness which, for a leaderboard ALREADY chasing event items and round the clock War schedule!!

    (90% of system warriors are asking for reduced duration as 1:4X Hrs per war is obsolete and ridiculous why not :30 hour matches with :15 mins wait time? And increased slots per day? )

    Instead we get such crappy fixes that deliberately makes the game more grindier, more time consuming FOR NOTHING NEW.

    KAW COMMUNITY is one of the most DEDICATED & HARDCORE Gamers out there whether PVE OR PVP. We made the TIME & PATIENCE for this game WITH some players having 14 YEAR BADGES and experience with ata from their previous games on a similar vein like Gangster city before A THINING APE LTD became very very SLOPPY & SLOW & INEPT in their handling of CONSISTENT & PRIZED money making CA$H COW$ like KAW.

    I am second guessing myself whether honestly it's a point of pride or regret at this point that I cared about and spent a good portion of my life on KAW trusting that it's summy profiteering "Devs" had something as TRIVIAL as one of their OLDEST OFFERINGS on the Play Store history KAW in such a pathetic drought of content for YEARS & YEARS.

    P.S: when was a clan not at 'peace' and running ebs in recent memory?

    Of Course, like all of my previous posts, and the other 125+ responses here DEVS will only have for us DEAFENING SILENCE! 👉🤐👈
  6. About sums up everything from every post!
    Citizen_Kane and -_-SCUMBAG-_- like this.
  7. Hey devs just a thought, as there is so much negativity surrounding this update how about delaying it for a period of time to allow us to collect enough cp to at least enable us to sort out builds? Guys are rushing into doing stuff and it's really down to you! Give us a 3 month grace period to sort this mess out! I await your feed back!
    -Kratos- likes this.
  8. We have to wait for everything on this game. As in wait long periods of time. I don’t think they should push back update. Just make it to where u make the same amount of gold when dropping.
  9. excellent points and eloquently put, I would agree with your comment/post in its entirety.
  10. Well said.
  11. THIS
  12. If they implent this, its just mean they really dont care, like they dont care on loyal players that they banning more than their bashers🔥like in witch arcana they let stay their bashers in discord
    -_-SCUMBAG-_- likes this.
  14. So from now on better be a basher than concern on the game/them🔥
  15. It would be somewhat concerning if they proceed without even acknowledging the many comments posted here... A little interaction recognition and acknowledgement would be greatly beneficial. Currently it appears to be completely ignored (unfortunately)..
  16. The devs have said they are listening!!!! What more do you want? And we can all rest easy knowing they are listening 🙉
  17. Changes to Palluman is just another dev ploy to get us all spending real world cash on premium epic battles for the gold upgrade route. Shame on you devs.
  18. Doubt this would have the effect they're looking for. You simply aren't hitting >10q even from premiums in any reasonable time frame. I'd say a fair number of those already running premiums do it solely for either the event items for lb, plates, or a mixture of the two.
  19. I appreciate your jovial take but let's be serious for a moment; they have received a great deal of valuable input, opinions and thoughts from the Kaw-munity. I don't expect them to reply to each and every post/comment, however it would be nice to know they are actually taking heed, noticing and at a bare minimum are actually reading the feedback...Maybe even provide us with some feedback themselves. Doesn't take much time or effort to engage with the people (customers) that are actually playing the game.
  20. I haven't commented on this topic as there's nothing more that I can add that more clearly shows devs have now and for a long period, zero interest in the player base coupled with no understanding of game mechanics.

    All we get is the endless regurgitation of events and intermittently some half arsed, ridiculous idea no one asked for - e.g 2 factor authentication and now this idiot idea.

    No feedback here to even acknowledge what has been said by so many players. This will go ahead with further developer comment I sadly suspect.

    Why not focus on a fairer war system which would encourage more to return to war, which in turn would make wars more even.

    Clan loyalty is equally ignored. Competitions which focus on EB actions per time period only further encourage clan hopping.

    "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."