🏛️ Changes to Pallumen Buildings *Updated*🏛️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. KAW got boring when the Pal update came out. Just takes too long to buy lands and upgrade. As long as the Pal lands cost as much as they do, lowering the building prices does nothing but give less back when you sell buildings. You aren’t saving up what it costs to buy upgrades when you also can’t buy more than 7 or 8 lands. The whole dynamic of the Pal area needs to be rethought out. I’ve played for a long time and keep asking myself why I still do when i’m not really making anymore progress.
  2. They don’t play it, look at their stats 🤭
  3. There’s a much simpler and smarter fix to encourage people to lcbc which in your eyes is an issue. Reduce charm caps from BFA and increase charm caps from buildings. This would have the effect of changing where your gold should be placed to make your overall build stronger. This change you propose will still NOT encourage people to spend gold on buildings. Simply put, the value isn’t there. Stats AND charm caps gained from 15Q in BFA vs 15Q on ONE lvl 9 building just isn’t even close.
  4. So, rather than scrapping or delaying this update that clearly, in the eyes of the playerbase, is not going to “improve the player progression experience” as you’d hoped, you’re going to go ahead with it, throw a little more gold that will mean you need to do 5 months of tapping instead of 6 per upgrade, and then ignore everyone’s complaints and carry on like nothing happened. Nice😂
  5. Don’t reduce drop rate gold it’ll kill growth. Even dropping cost to build 9&10 won’t work as 9 is still 16Q down from 21Q.
    Better idea is drop nobs/crystal costs especially in U.K. by at least 50%. We may buy more then.
    Better idea give Pal plates as rewards for warring!!!
  6. Drop your builds now or you’re. Gonna lose a lot of players devs then there will be no income for you at all as your other games have crashed and burned.
    You make these changes to get players to spend. Then over time make there spend is useless, after playing this game for over a decade and spending loads at the beginning I now find it hard to actually make a purchase on a game that had no limits with my spend to begin with. Why try and fix it if not broken.
    #86 IIIIIIIIMIiiiiiiiII, Oct 12, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2023
  7. Decrease price but then take gold away so basically a wash……. How dumb can you be?
  8. I think this is a good update, but just need a minor tweak. Increasing plunder for all levels and increasing stats for L9 & L10 is nice. Lowering the price for the buildings by 30% isn’t, unless you lower the plates needed for reach building and upgrades by 30% too. Alternatively, increase the drop by 30% to even out.

    *p/s - I don’t agree with lowering the price for lands as it will penalize those who has bought them (doesn’t matter if they’ve LC or not)

    thanks, if you’re listening
    Enryu likes this.
  9. This is… not a well thought out change for anyone who isn’t a massive player.

    In the long run, this hurts smaller and mid players, while actively widening the gap and incentivizing blasting money at promo weekends.

    Buildings cost less but to open the land it costs the same? This is a sneaky way to blast more money being shoved into your game under the guise of “long term health”.

    This is a bit of an out-of-touch change & I hope y’all read this feedback and understand or at least reach out to some of the folks who have been making good points. I know it won’t happen but we can always ask to have our voices heard in ways to tangible improve game quality of life, for all.
    greenyoyo90 likes this.
  10. While devs are fixing gold inequalities, how about allowing small/new kingdoms to use their gold bars instead of making them wait until abyssals are fully opened.
    Pce, IFA and -H4RDB4NDiT- like this.
  11. It NEVER made sense, on either the Fatesands or Pallumen lands, that stats, beginning with level six, decreased while the buildings were much more expensive!
  12. So yet again… this only helps those who are bigger….
  13. THIS!!! So now I have to tear down towers to grow???
    -_-SCUMBAG-_- likes this.
  14. When was the last time the Devs had a thread this active ? 70+ replies all mostly negative with feedback that is still be being ignored. They ask for feedback. They get feedback. In large amounts. And they ignore it.

    If you want to actually expand the longevity of this game, the “long term”, you’ll listen. You have the most active thread you’ve had in years. People are speaking up. Now is the time to listen.

  15. This is the ATA Way. 🙏
  16. 1) Increase plunder 2x for pal building and newly explore land - good idea
    2) Leave building cost and drop cost the same for pal....
    3) Drop cost for explore of final 5 pal lands..
    4) Increase stats for building lvl 9 and 10 for pal - good idea
    5) Allow plate upgrade for pal building for lvl 9 and 10..
    **Think this is reasonable and win win..
  17. Just make the changes you mentioned. In 6 months time we will be talking about the good old days and have moved on with the times. Who cares🤷🏻‍♂️
  18. Compensation is being paid for our loss in allie values and land all ready purchased? No I thought not, ourdevs think of something and without thought or consequences to those actions carry it out! A behaviour I would expect of children!
  19. With this change in Pal buildings, would these buildings also increase value when calculating clan rank or impact matching in clan wars?