🏛️ Changes to Pallumen Buildings *Updated*🏛️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. This is completely your fault. You had SO MUCH time to address the community to correct this or to say… ANYTHING… but you didn’t. Absolute negligence from ATA. I’m not even surprised though. You guys are a freaking joke.
  2. The silence from the devs was deafening! They made a mess and won't own it! As I said before the contempt they have for us knows no bounds! They can screw up at will and we have no recourse except to stop playing or stop paying! As close as I have ever been to quitting and have done with it! Devs I spit on you all
  3. I
    I think one way to decrease gold inflation is to increase plunder bonus from Allie’s from hitting players. This will boost PvP and cause more banking in bars and gold lost do to plundering people.
  4. Time to quit this game b4 the devs make more decisions that actually hurt us. Why should I pay developers who don’t deliver what us players beg for for ages… they just need to admit that they are not the same devs from years ago and don’t understand the game
  5. I’ve never been much of a stats/game mechanic expert or player. I do pay2play and PVP as well as the normal PVE. I’m reasonably active etc etc.

    I don’t get all the negativity on this at all… it’s probably an unpopular opinion but for me, a small to mid size player nothing much has actually changed.

    It’s now more efficient to drop at level 10 - but drop wise it’s slightly worse return than level 8 was.. ok got it.👍
    Plunder has been increased from PVE - cheers 👍
    Drop rates of plates have not been affected - good to know 👍

    yes, devs could have and probs should have rolled out other updates before this, but this is not a game changer or a reason to get annoyed about.

    Sorry, probs not popular but I just don’t really see what the massive uproar is about.
  7. Also… and just an afterthought… the whole point of this update was that players were not incentivised to BC/Upgrade above level 8 before. Why would you when you can save plates drop and either get allies or open next land at level 8 drops. What would be the point of bringing in new lands when many hadn’t BC’d old ones on purpose?
  8. I wish you would have made this announcement months in advance. I just used over 1100 pallumen plates a few weeks ago 😡
  9. Look at the bright side. While you might have missed out on the level 9/10 upgrades with them, you used them more efficiently in the end. Previous level 8 is more efficient than any level now, including level 10🤷‍♂️😉
    Pythas likes this.
  10. This would have been solved if devs just informed us level 9-10 can be upgraded using plates......... But those who dropped level 8 pals will be pissed now. Maybe that's what they wanted so less gold for players and players waste gold
    -Will_Treaty- likes this.
  11. Please double check stat changes. My spies increased by 5% (still 1 lvl 7 vs lvl 8 before). My att stats are unchanged, so clearly a bug.
  12. Typos like that matter big time when people have no choice but to take them as fact & plan accordingly. Would have prepped for the changes differently. Now I'm salty about the changes too 💀
  13. This is what I thought as well. If they had announced the plates for level 9/10 update along with these other changes, I doubt many people would have complained because they knew they would be getting something in return. Then again, dropping at level 8 before this update was more efficient than any drop now, so who knows what people would have said....🤷‍♂️
  14. Fixed now, thanks!
    ATA-Jace likes this.
  15. You had all this feedback, confusion and concern for weeks in this thread. Y’all waiting until after the release to even say anything. As has been pointed out, people planned on the terrible first update. Now this second *clarification*, which is even worse, is a retroactive grenade that y’all dropped and then ran away.

    Selective responses. All the previous concerns got ignored. Incompetence at its highest levels, no accountability.
  16. This is pathetic. The fact y’all didn’t announce this at all at any point before making the changes is ridiculous.

    Would this have changed my mind as a mid sized player who dropped their pal buildings? Absolutely.

    A dev team full of poo throwing humans .. really embodying the ape part of ATA.
    Bert, -Kratos-, -Will_Treaty- and 5 others like this.
  17. And so the dust settles on another bomb shell from our wonderful development team, guys find years of tapping and grind blown away at a stroke by the inept stupid actions of our devs, the lies to push this update thru have again been exposed by the players themselves and the response from the devs is to ignore like children, fingers in ears! Let's us await the next stupid update
    -_-SCUMBAG-_- likes this.
  18. Well now small players will just stay small now thanks devs for screwing us you did a splendid job on now how's a small gonna grow I bet most get to pal now and quit
  19. It's incredibly frustrating that the devs have refused to even acknowledge our comments, they could at least engage with the kawmunity.