πŸŒ΄πŸŒ‹ Introducing Time Tangled Lands! πŸžοΈβš™οΈ

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Jace, Oct 23, 2023.

  1. what's the best troop building on these new lands? do they all equally give the same stats?
  2. When ebs drop these time tangle crestplates shards, why do they only drop left shards?
    Any special ebs drop right shards? Else these are effectively useless.
  3. I've had right from NOTH and left from GOTH I believe... Not got many rights thus far.
  4. I've had right from NOTH and Left from GOTH.. So far I have received more Right.
  5. I am at 11 pallum lands. It’s going to be a long time to get to 15. Not sure where people are getting all the gold to be land complet. I still have 1 more fate land to open. That costs 5q. Getting 5t per EB it’s going to take years.
  6. We were building up level 8 in pal and selling them for 6.8Q, which is no longer viable with the building price drop … but this is really the only way to get that level of gold
  7. Got a 12 year badge and 9 Pal lands. Can I complain, or are there more prereqs? πŸ˜‚
  8. 12 years warrants you 1 complaint
  9. Well, I cannot find the new lands. They do not exist at all.....
  10. I’ve started using fate sand tokens to get gold to buy lands. Per event I get approx 1200 fs tokens and it costs 199 to get to lvl8 which I drop for 930t * 6 = 5.5Q per event. Buying the 15th pp land in next event πŸ€”
  11. I would like to know why I can’t get drop of shards from Aota I do from 100-400 actions across the last 10 AOTA and I get nothing is it cause I’m not 20b stats yet?
  12. Greetings Warriors!

    Just to give an update, we've changed the land requirements for unlocking Time Tangled lands. Now players will only require having at least 10 Pallumen lands unlocked to gain access to Tangled lands, reduced from the previously needed 15.

    We know players have been enjoying the Time Tangled lands a lot and after review we decided it best to reduce these requirements based on Pallumen lands being pricey and our desire to get more players enjoying our newest content.

    Get exploring!
    Tokie and Hebrews like this.
  13. Woo
  14. This is huge those 11-15 were pricy. Any thoughts on a sort of "land clean up" and removing some of the outdated/power crept lands? Highlands->Osmon are all pretty minimal with the exception of glitch troops/spy and it might be nice to clean some out
  15. are you joking? lmao
  16. I mean, guy sorta has a point. Those lands are crap. At least lowlands can be used for war. The others are just grind lands that have next to no purpose other than mindlessly grinding on an EB so you can unlock the better set of lands. Power creep has made them outdated and an unnecessary grind to get through. May actually retain a player if they could jump to higher power lands and participate in meaningful off system PVP and in system PVE EB’s.
  17. Not in the slightest. Apart from LL and HF glitch, they serve essentially no purpose anymore. Takes an event to hit 6b+ completely ignoring those lands. I can concede Osmon provides some stat/plunder boost but abyss and below dead content that just add additional hurdles.
  18. God the last two posts here so dumb lmao. Removing lands is foolish.
  19. Zxxxxxzxxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxzzxxxxxxxxxxzxx
  20. A week after I unlock TT you do this. I should have waited.