As Lucas walks me to my door step I kiss him on the lips but then... "Common you love birds! Stop your kissin!" mom yells from the kitchen. I give him a quick kiss on the cheak and he hops of a step and walks down another. He hops into the air while kicking each foot together. I giggle a little at him, I soon walk inside and up the stairs to my room. I watch the television for at least an hour than change into some comfy clothes. I take off my shirt and my bra and look into the closet for a t-shirt, I slip it on along with my sweat pants. I sit down and see my shadow on the wall by my bedside lamp. I raise my hand up and move them as if it was a bird. My shadow is not moving yet I am staring at the outlined shadow. I see the shadow of a person sitting on the bed than I finally see my shadow...and it's next to it.
Does the old boyfriend rise from the dead, become a zombie, and then eat the new boyfriends brains? cause THAT would be cool!
The sight of it made my spine cripple and tingle. I sat there staring not knowing what to do. I was frozen, I started to let out a nosie, "Mmmom!! Mom! Mom!" I wait for her than I heard foot steps running up the stairs, "What happend?!" she screamed running to me. I stared at the wall as the shadow slowly faded away. "I was looking at my shadow I raised my arm but the shadow wouldn't move! An an an and the then I noticed it wasn't mine! It was a person sitting next to me I swear! You have to belive me!" I shrieked as goosebumps filled my arms. She looked at me I could tell she didn't know what to say. "Well, maybe you fell asleep maybe you woke up and you didn't even know it was dream. It's possible." he explained letting go then grasping my hands. "So, you don't believe me." I sighed than continued. "I saw it! It wasn't a dream and I know it." she stared at the fear in my eyes. "How about you come down for dinner and we will talk about it all." I followed her down the steps, I knew it wasn't a dream. It can't be.
I walk down stairs with my mother yet still shaking. She gives me a plate to fill with food. I fill it to the top, I'm very hungry. She sit next to me and we say our prayers. During my prayers, my body starts to heat up and I feel as if I'm steaming, I get up and run to the sink to splash my face and arms. It slowly goes away, I lay my face on my hands and start to cry. "Whats hapening to me?!" I shreik loudly. Mom runs to me and rubs my back. "Maybe you coming down with somthing you know? Like a- I stop her and grasp her. "Your not understanding! There is somthing by me and touching me! And heats my body and it hurts! I need help! Now!" she stares at me in horror. "Alright, if you insist." she walks to the counter and grabs the keys. "Come with me." she says holding my hand.