Wolfies new found chew toy

Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Wow you have me all figured out don't you! I better kiss your butt then am I right? Oh wait you don't deserve my butt kissing :lol:
  2. >.< The grammar and sentence structure is horrible. My eyes can't take it man.
  3. Yes, if your gonna insult someone use proper grammar and sentence structure
  4. No one cares what you think Ronald you are psycho. You've been kicked from all the clans across Kaw. You make lies about people to get attention. Youre Sick. Sad. And Pathetic.

    Why do you even play? because you damn sure don't even have friends.
  5. Trisky you're a failure in life. In kaw you're a peasant that tries to please the crowd because you are too much of a coward to challenge anybody at all.
  6. You hear that guys? I'm a butt kisser and a peasant!! Damn I wanted to be a princess
  7. Respect for SH noobs = error can't determine the amount of fail
  8. Swagg go play in traffic kiddo. You don't know Triksy. You have no right to say anything negative about anyone or is this your weekly scream for attention forums moment?
  9. Bend have something worth while to input or leave
  10. I'm not SHLOL fail

    Respect for BH goes down as long as they carry on posting
  11. I think it's his weekly scream
  12. Bend your respect is of significance why? No one gives a damn about you.
  13. Actually a few people do

    Such as XTREME in your clan

  14. He loves me my noobiness attracts him
  15. That is actually kind of interesting Chubby :lol:
  16. I want one of those xD
  17. Lol that is awesome chubby :lol:

    Oh my bad gh even worse than SH