Wolfies new found chew toy

Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. ou know ive just realised that you would fit in perfectly with the 40 WATTers of d.k.o.d . you have the same dead pan humour that all the other wallys say nothing unique or origional within you .
  2. im missing my chew toy woIfie where is he
  3. It's true triksy it spammed my pm telling me to ring it's number :shock: got offensive as well when I called it a pedo and to **** off
  4. Slow witted Wolfie
  5. funny im younger than you keep up the lies wolfie
  6. Acutely you was claiming 18 when I was still 17 so yeah you are a pedo
  7. dont bother lieing that isnt pedo you weirdo
  8. Wolfie tells lies...it is known
  9. Wolfie was asking for girls on PIMD.
  10. Roni didnt you give him your phone number
  11. hi i gave it cause the idiot kept on calling me ronald saying im a man so i sayd ring me up then and youll know then im.female and he kept ringing in the next few weeks after that .
  12. Bumpity Bampitty
  13. That she did and demanded I call her to speak verb abuse down the phone :/

    Got upset when I didn't as well til my mate got bright idea to call it... That was a interesting lunch hour about 14 people on the same phone speaking to someone on loud speaker for whole lunch hall to hear :shock: people thought I had a stalker by how obsessed roni was being with me
  14. Sounds like you were pathetically obsessing over a free iPhone app. People like you should uninstall. That's pathetic
  15. keep lieing wolfie you was too scared to talk to me all you are is typed words . in real life your shy . i spoke to his friend cause wolfie stayed in the back ground .
  16. Roni ss or bs
  17. He stayed back because you're an idiot :D
  18. You really want me to post the text message you send me?

    About 3 different phones called you, you got to the point you didn't know which of the 14 wasn't me or was

    Then when you finally realised it was my phone you rung me to rant about other kaw players