J3irds Building Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by J3abys-In-J3lack, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. What has more plunder a lvl 3 guild or a level two war aviary?
  2. I know how much gold each unit gets for every build 
  3. It has more plunder than a level three aviary too.
  4. This was, and still is, one of my favorite plunder value references!
    Sucks it was buried so deep in forums!! Update please? :)
  5. Where's t4 and t5?
  6. look at the date retard
  7. Awesome bump! For once a GOOD old thread was bumped xD
  8. @charles.
    I know. Does everything have to be a serious question?
  9. I agree this is a good thread.
    Maybe I should include the regen rates in my KaW Build Calculator Spreadsheet (here).
  10. Yep bumping threads so.we get some fresh ones... Even if they are 2 years old threads
  11. This is a good thread unlike half the trash cluttering Strategy that is the same questions asked over and over lol... Just needs updating but even as-is, it's great for new players looking to learn and vets starting over..
  12. Good bump!