Dude, what world are living on that doesn't use a decimal system? It sounds super sweet if you ask a mathematically challenged person such as myself... Feel free to wall me the directions
U gotta leave your backyard one day. Only the US has ever used nukes on innocent women n children. Used captured Axis war criminals to do so. Werner von Braun ever heard of him. History lesson is over take out ur crayons.
How many litres in an Imperial n US gallon. How many ounces in a litre? I was a lumber marketer at one time n conversions were standard day 2 day life. Its simpler if everything is metric.
Werner von Braun was a aerospace engineer, not a physicist, and he had nothing to do the development of the atomic bomb. He didn't surrender to the Americans until 1945. There were no "captured Axis war criminals" working on the Manhattan project.
Still not many pics. Ash is slacking on the entertainment department with this thread. Great job on stirring the pot, but I wanna see more pics of this so called trip across Europe. Cautious though, they deleted my contribution.
I stand corrected TY Still absolved of war crimes though. He did help invent rocket weaponry. Crime pays it seems. Still the fact remains the US killed non combatants at an unprecedented rate. A time of infamy nonetheless
You make it sound like it was an easy choice for the US to drop the bombs. It was either invade Japan, which had a 1 million man army ready to defend her to the death, or force them into submission. The US took the route which saved more lives, if it was right or not is your own opinion.
Unprecedented by what standard? Both Russia and China lost an estimated 7 to 12 million civilians each during WW2. It's estimated about 6 million Jews, almost all civilians, were killed in concentration camps. By contrast, both atomic bombs killed less than 500,000 combined. The atomic bomb may have killed large groups faster, but dead is dead, and I've never quite understood why it's morally superior to bomb whole cities with high explosives or incendiary weapons as opposed to a nuclear one.
Well nobody thats humane can defend the killing of innocent women n children. Ignorant buzz words such as: Collateral Damage dehumanizes real ppl n only only used by those with no regard to life. The US/UK decided it would save 250k soldiers so nukes were an expedient choice to end the war fast. Then the word 'deterrent' was to follow. Hypocritical Revisit US history n the treatment of ppl. Slavery yet celebrate Columbus (slaver) Displaced American Natives Wiped out their buffalo herds to hunt Nuked 2 cities into oblivion. Then trumpet democracy n freedom. Funny how eg IBM n others profited helping out the German war machine. Then Bin Laden n middle east oil recently. History repeats itself. With that resume who else can compare?
Unprecedented when n 2 blinks 2 cities disappeared. Premeditated annihilation Lay siege n block all access to n from Japan
It's called Total War. Be thankful for the Geneva Convention. If you want to understand more go research every war. Look at the tactics. The Japanese have their own ghost to deal with concerning the 20th century. Assuming you have actual knowledge, you know this. So I question your argument. It's seems like a divisive discussion.
Agree Choose...... non combatants r free game in a war or not Justifying it is saying ppl r all the same. The enemy is the military n women n children. I'm not saying history justifies any act of war only pointing out a few sad facts.
There are no civilians in total war scenerios. Every child is a potential soldier. Every worker supports the war effort. Every city a strong hold.
Resulted in the Cold War n arms race. Yes i can see a Japanese child shooting at a bomber. Why explore other options when simply nuke em all. Again history teaches ppl nothing? France blockaded the Brits for the US. Surrender occurred. Expedite a war cuz life is cheap..
Just about every great empire and power in recorded history. Do you think Rome was built on sunshine and rainbows? The Spanish conquest of the new world? The British Empire and colonialism? Etc, etc, etc. The United States isn't perfect by any means, but spare me the evil empire routine.
Poor definition of the word GREAT Conquerors for gain more like it. Spare me that Russia is no different then Old empires that r no more r history n greatness died with them. We here them tell the world 'the Greatest' already. The US is not evil but never did i accuse them of being great either. Many great things have been done but also not so great as well.
Correct me if I'm wrong: The french blockade stopped the British from leaving. Then, US/French troops marched on a force that wasn't willing to die recklessly for their nation. Here with Japan, you have a 1 million man army ready to sacrifice everything to win the war. The Allies gave them the option to surrender or face total destruction. Plus, its not like the armies of Japan did no wrong to innocent civilians of the lands they invaded. Drop two bombs, end a war. Or starve her people out. (Only evils I can think of off hand.) The allies picked the lesser.
The Japanese army was scattered and decimated by the time the atomic bombs came around. Not able to get any food out, half of Japan's troops actually starved to death. A-Bomb or no, 60 percent of The population in Japan's 25 biggest cities were killed in air raids. It's a joke to compare Japan's war losses to America.
Cannot argue those facts at all but r u saying those r the ONLY 2 options? The Imperial leadership was the root of Japans demise n were also culpable Agree that Japan was starving.... Siege warfare would also end the war. US educators omit the entirety of facts. Expedience over life was chosen.
Roughly 60 million people were killed during Second World War. That number goes as high as 80 million. 38-55 million of those deaths were civilian. The bombs dropped on Japan resulted in 225 thousand casualties. That's wounded and dead. You are making a argument for those 225 thousands civilians. When 38-55 million civilians dead in total. What's wrong with you?