don't even know where to begin.... Yeah, we suck. Damn us with our universal health care, low rates of crime, high rate of university graduates, and multiculturalism. Our police does not shoot unarmed teenagers or execute mentally deficient people and we keep selling cheap life-saving medicine to your retirees there is obviously something wrong with us. Yeah that's right - which is the reason why your political establishment is so worried about it that it has 1) backed a popular insurrection in the Ukraine 2) Went against the counsel and of its supposed 'allies' in Western Europe [ah so nice to be treated like puppets] and still would do nothing concrete as the Russian military illegally entered the Ukraine, sized Crimea and helped the Russian minority insurgents pummel the Ukrainian military. Play fair? From the only nation that actually used two nuclear weapons on civilian targets? Are you drunk or for real? The Dresden bombing? Agent Orange? Decimate anyone maybe win different story. Anyone remember Vietnam or Nicaragua? And let us sucky Canadian mention that after over a decade of fighting under the direction of the USA both Aghanistan and Iraq are worse off than before, Islamic terrorism is more widespread and ruthless than ever, hate of Western culture and principles is at an all time high since 1099 and at no time since 1962 were relations with another nuclear power so poor. You guys did a really good job. If just your financial system could trigger another major recession...
The way i see it is we bring all our men and women home, stop all outgoing aid, whether it be money,food, or our military presence...stop trying to fix the world when we need to fix our country first...and next time someone need help, just stick a middle finger up for em...
Actually, it was seven. You're confusing the fifty-two Americans held hostage for 444 days at the American embassy in Tehran that were released in 1981 with the seven American hostages being held in Lebanon in 1985.
Well known by whom? Undisputed fact how? I'm disputing it. There's zero evidence the CIA gave anyone intelligence to plan the 9/11 attack. If you have some, by all means, present it. Until then, it's hardly a "fact" and far from being indisputable.
Duna Machine- I'm not a crazy right winger. I'm a moderate right winger. Also known as a conservative. And here's a thing to remember- I'm not Republican, I'm a conservative. There is a huge difference. And I love America above all nations. It could be better, but it ain't too bad. Ashvar- You have good points- but remember r that it said there were exceptions. And I think we were both right about NATO. It was made by the smaller European countries to protect themselves, but USA and co. wanted to stop Russia. And I never mentioned the spread of democracy. And with that, I'm leaving this thread. It's too hard to talk with so much going on. Have a nice KaWreer, and go and be well.
Not sure if this has been pointed out already but pork rinds are much more commonly eaten in many European countries and the UK than in the US.
Canada has nothing to apologize for when it comes to our military record. It's is cruel of us to make such good beer and have topless beaches. Sorry about that.
"You call this Chipotle!!?" "You call this BBQ!!?" "You call this Lobster!!?" "Umm that's a thong dude.. Not a swim trunk" "Could I get a refill please? No!!??" "I need my daily gallon of Mega Slurpee sugar rush!!!" "Where is my Peanutbutter!!?" "You call this a Pizza!!?" "My lawnmower is bigger than your cars" "What is this paper thing all on your walls!?" "Why are you still diving in soccer!?.. In US we separate that.. It's called WWE" "How do I operate the bidet again?" "This chick says my footlong is actually only 15 centimetres"
Here's an interesting edutainment bit.. In the old days in Europe (or anywhere else for that matter), people walk on the left side in a path/road.. Why?.. Cos overwhelmingly most people are right handed..and it is better for you to draw the sword from the left.. And you generally want your potential threat to the right of you (draw your imaginary sword, or a real one if u have it, and see for yourself where you prefer your enemy to be) So the roadways in Europe since the Roman times have been "left hand drive/walk" Now.. In the new world, it did start out that way.. But when the coaches got bigger (Americans like everything bigger), and were drawn by two rows of horses, guess what happened? Let's look at it this way.. If you are right handed, which hand would you take the reins with? Yes right hand.. And where would you sit? Yes left side of the coach.. And you would want the opposite traffic to be as close to you so that you can judge the space etc.. Voila.. The right hand drive.. Oh btw, there are a few ungated border crossings in the world where the drive hand changes.. Have fun there..