Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AshesOfEden, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Anything that can be edited and changed by anyone isn't a credible/ a totaly reliable site.

    You work for them though?


  2. What have I missed?
  3. I read your post - I think you need to stop watching Fox News. Either that or thank whatever God you believe in that you have never needed help.
  4. I'm going to post this once more, and hopefully you will comprehend this time around. At the bottom of the two Wikipedia pages that I posted links to in this thread, there is a section called "References" and also one called "Bibliography" on the Wikipedia page about the Iranian coup. The definition of "reference" is "use of a source of information in order to ascertain something." The definition of "bibliography" is "a list of books referred to in a scholary work, usually printed as an appendix." Those are all of the sources of the information included on the Wikipedia pages. You're able to look at them and even do research yourself. I know that you're trying to discredit my sources because they contradict what was previously said in this thread despite that what I posted was purely fact. If you would like to deny that the US government has the ability to indefinitely detain someone, despite it being a law, then you're more than welcome to provide proof. If you would like to deny that the US was involved in the Iranian coup, despite them admitting to it, then you're more than welcome to provide proof. Until then, you're just someone who is failing miserably at trying to get rid of someone with a differing "opinion."
  5. Which one? I made several.

    And that Fox News comment, have you ever watched a minute of Fox News? It's not nearly as bad as you think it is. It's actually pretty reliable.
  6. Most of your comments are misguided - yes I have watched fox - but in truth - I try to ignore most news anymore. It is all crap - the right wing nutjobs (like you based on your posts) and the left wing wackos will never find common ground. It is actually pretty pathetic. If anyone in government actually understood how business works and what solutions would actually help people then we could fix our country. You want to be a politician. I say not another blowhard. Politicians should go back to being "normal" people - you want to fix America - let's vote in someone that has worked everyday of their lives to create a home for his family and understands the value of a paycheck. Not people like you who want to be career politicians - career politicians are a cancer in society not a help. When i was young I was most likely nearer to the ideals you speak, but age, hopefully some wisdom, and watching both local and national government fail miserably and with NO hope for change of the corruption at all levels - I, like a majority, concern myself more with how to survive and perhaps thrive as best we can - and work to give our kids the best life we can. Overall, I shouldn't have even posted - it's five minutes of my life I won't get back. But after a decently
    Long day, your arrogance and obvious lack of real world knowledge irritated me. So I am going back to sipping my scotch and enjoying some netfix.

    Happy kawing - grow some so I can waste some time farming you
  7. Here is a interesting fact. During World War 2 the allies used Iran in the land lease program. They built roads, factories, and employed many Iranians as assemblers. All this to get weapons and supplies to Russia. One thing the allies did do. They built.

    Seems like business as usual. I think everyone is waiting on Putin to show back up. Their should be a announcement within the day, but I can't confirm that. It reminds me of Kim in North Korea a few months back. Oh boy the Korean Unification rumors were flying.

    Supposedly there is a significant arctic build underway from Russia. I heard some interesting talk coming out of Alaska regarding this. Apparently leadership of all countries surrounding the Arctic are trying maintain relations with Russia to maintain security around the pole. And combat *cough* climate change. This gets overlooked all the time, but is probably more significant than most would believe.

    Awesome convey. Stuff is moving all over. Looks big. You should see some of the photos in the states of build ups. Dated photos, but impressive.
  8. Enlighten us with your real world knowledge. You remind of the little communist kids riding around on their BMX bikes and black outfits making death threats to people. Don't forget your red t-shirt son.

    They'll get their **** pushed back this spring and summer. That's real life.
  9. ? Do the one about the muslimen shooting the guard at the canadian parlament hill.
  10. @greatkingfrank a few points to put this into perspective

    NATO was created with the same goals of the Marshall Plan - to stop the USSR - for geo-strategic reasons. Not because the USA liked Europeans or to "keep them safe" or to spread democracy. The USA and USSR never had any qualms working with dictators of all sorts if it suited their goals. Just to stick to Europe during the NATO years you have Portugal, Spain and Greece with military dictatorships. Good friends of Washington all.

    Seriously? At the height of their contribution the USA provided about 400k men to NATO the Bundeswehr alone had 500k, the French had 475k in Algeria and 190k in Vietnam plus the ones stationed in Germany (in the late 1970s a full army corp); the Italian and Turkish armies over 300k each and so forth.

    Right, some genius in Washington (possibly Ms. Nuland, who got recorded insulting the EU on tape by the FSB) thought that Putin (who is horrible dictator) would just roll over and smile if the Ukraine became a NATO member. It makes sense. the USA would never have any negative reaction if, I don't know, the USSR had decided to place missiles in a country close to their borders - like Cuba.

    Let's try not to be naive, most state activity is based on strategic approaches nothing else where the notion that "the enemy of my enemy is my friends" works every time. Which is why the Americans and their allies in Iraq are perfectly fine with having Hezbollah and the Iranian Quds Brigade fight against ISIL.
  11. So what happen to the runner ups of Russia? Isnt it odd all oppositions to putin have mysteriously vanish lol
  12. It's odd Putin vanished. Where's Waldo?
  13. I have no desire to be communist - and I don't recall ever riding a bmx dressed in black. I do remember playing sports and having fun though - I also remember a time that was before cell phones and playstations and my curfew was when the lamp posts turned on. If you need some worldly knowledge - go get a job and make a life for yourself. If you are at all competent in that profession you will see my post for what it is - a sad commentary on the current state of our country. Your immediate defensive stance shows how ill equipped - or young - you are - hopefully you grow out of the attempted witty insults and add content refuting my views on politics or what I believe this country needs. Cite facts in which career politicians are good for this country - or state your experience or education that will add weight to your statements. Otherwise go back to your hole.
  14. You still remind of the little communist kids riding around threaten people as we speak.

    But you have such little knowledge outside this game you wouldn't know what's going on.

    You are running on insults. And making threats to farm people for political views. You are a fanatic.
  15. And that statement sums up all I need
    To know about your internet badass self - it's no wonder this world is in the state it's in.
  16. Dude you can find me on a third party app. I'll happy entertain you drunkeness there. Don't bite you glass
  17. Interesting view. Last I checked I don't know you outside of this forum, nor do you know what my profession is, or where I went to college, or what my tax returns say I earn per annum. You simply assume because you lack the judgment to ask. Again - a sad state of affairs of people like you are our future.
  18. I don't care what you do or who you are. I'm not intimidated by you here. Or in real life. You are the one who started making threats.

  19. does that even make sense ? It's called English class - try attending it