Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AshesOfEden, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. And about that part about how great Russia is, if the people of the Ukraine wanted to be with Russia, why did they secede from Russia? Why were there VIOLENT protests against joining up with Russia, and if the leaders of Russia are so great, why is Putin a war-mongering dictator? And why are so many Russian people forced to live and work in Siberia? Government is not the solution, government is the problem. The government of Russia is only dedicated to the leaders, not the people. And the government is so stable, no one can stand up to it. And if Russia isn't corrupt, why is the Russian Mafia running girls in and out of the country to be sold to people worldwide, and they're paying the Russian government to let them? And it's not the American self-centered thin with me. America is special. We did bad things, but you can't name one country that hasn't done one bad thing in its history? I think Russia is bad, not because it's not America, but because Russia is not a good country.
  2. No Russian spy is a kaw player...
  3. Oh. I apologize then. I'll retract my statement.
  4. Didn't get as many photo ops but several months ago Canada sent the HMCS Toronto alone into the Black Sea to protest Russia's aggression.

    Similar conversations aboard the powerful frigate have been overheard;

    Wanna have another game of beer hunter.

    Du ya think them Ruskies know we got seven whole mussels eh

    No way eh not even the Mounties know eh.

    Hey they are taking rum off the boats but you can grow 6 plants on the mini golf course.

    I heard they will have both engines working next week

    I see your pack of smokes and raise you two pieces of back bacon.

    Hope if the Mericans show up they don't mistake up for the enemy again eh

    Ya take off eh
  5. Also heard from aboard HMCS Toronto

    It's aboot time we had a military, eh?

    We have a military?
  6. 1: WEST Ukraine spoke Ukrainian and were not Russian people so the secceded. East Ukraine is Russian and speaks Russian so they decided they wanted to join Russia.

    2: Putin is not a war mongering dictator. He has caused 0 wars and LIBERATED people from western racism and language barriers.

    3: There is no slaves in Siberia. There is however government subidised housing (like there is in the united states) and physically challenging jobs to the people who have no other options and choose to volunteerally work.

    4: The government sells its soul to the people every day. It gives jobs in Siberia and poorer parts of Russia to help their people. Unlike how the U.S just gives people a check every month and says "here you don't need job skills just live on welfare your whole life".

    5: The United States Super Bowl is every year has the LARGEST concentration of prostitution. I think we should deal with that first.

    6: The Russian government is one of the overall best governments in the world.
    It has SUCCESSFULLY LIBERATED A PART OF THE WORLD?!?! Wow! How long has it taken the U.S to liberate half a country? Then run away? ouch. Also the only reason the U.S has EVERY tried to liberate a country is because their corrupt leaders wanted that countries oil.

  7. "Where is the Swedish bikini carwash!!?"

    "I am really liking the 3 hour naps in the afternoon"

    "Y'all still think DISCO is still cool!?"

    "We've driven thru 3 countries and it's not even noon yet"

    "Excuse me.. How the hell do I use the bidet?"

    "I am looking for Cella"

    "At least in Canada they use deodorant"

    "I've seen bigger castles at Disneyland"

    "Do you know what they call a footlong in Belgium?"
  8. You do realize that the Russian government can have someone killed for no reason at all, right? And the Ukrainians didn't want to be "liberated" they were perfectly happy not being under Russian rule. And the conflicts in the Middle East were not because if oil. And every overseas conflict America has been in since 1812 has been to liberate a country. And Putin INVADED East Ukraine. That is an act of war. If Ukraine declares war on Russia, Putin had started the war. And people who sign up to go to Siberia are forced to sign at gunpoint. The Russian government can kill its own citizens without reason. But the only thing I agree with is the thing about the checks. We should be teaching these people how to work for a living, and then lower the amount of welfare money given.
  9. You realize there were VIOLENT riots in Ukraine and the government was thrown down? like actually taken out.

    Anyone U.S citizen who believes the wars In the middle east were caused because of 4 extremeists are full of crap. The corrupt politicians just wanted a cheap excuse to try and bully small countries into handing them oil. Backfired a bit
  10. There's a list of more than 3,000 names as to why we should be in the Middle East. Look at the memorial near where the Twin Towers used to stand.
  11. You have no facts. No citizens are being forced at gunpoint here and he FREED people in east Ukraine who were poor, didn't speak Ukrainian, were being segregated by western supremists, and lived in poverty. Russian cannot and does not kill its own citizens. Stop being jealous of Russia's success and go look at a real threat like north Korea.
    Also you saying Putin would have started the war means that George W. Bush would have started the war in Afganistan BUT The U.S is so corrupt congress isn't calling it a war it is an "armed conflict" because if it was a war then the president might have to start following the constitution.
  12. There is a list 50,000 long why Iraq should be invading the U.SS also the CIA gave All Queda the Intel on the towers so they could start a war for oil with the support of the whole country. This is a well known and undisputed fact that is being suppressed by the government.
  13. Fact-
    The Iranian people were exuberant when we liberated Iran from Hussein. Sure, there weren't WMDs, but there was a dictator.

    Another Fact-
    We didn't force people to give us a drop of oil when we were in the Middle East.

    Another Fact-
    The US government does not have the right to force people to sell us resources. The companies and businesses have the right to trade for resources. They do not, however, have the right to use military action to meet their ends.
  14. Do you know why they were given the information? So Reagan could free the hostages that terrorist groups were holding captive.
  15. I was wondering what a Pro-Russian would seem like.
  16. HOLY CRAP you just said Russia thinks its OK to kill its own citizens and you admitted that they intentionally let 3,000 die and every troop who has died in the middle east die for an unjust cause? That I WAY worse than anything Russia is doing.
  17. Sexy am I right?
  18. And here's the thing with Russia that get me-

    They don't kill their people.
    They don't enslave their people.
    They don't force them to work in Siberia at gunpoint.

    But they could if they wanted to.

  19. You realize the riots didn't start happening until putin had exercised aggression and mobilized troops? Yeah maybe you should become more objective and less biased. Also the U.S is producing its own oil instead of relying on middle eastern oil so therefore a war over oil is now moot.
  20. It wasn't for an unjust cause. There were terrorists who had AMERICAN hostages, and the only way to get those hostages back was to give them weapons, ammo, and info. We didn't want those people to die. We wanted to free the hostages.