Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ProdigalCub, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. Finally an educated opinion Obamas a
    President .. Romney's a liar and only liked b/c he's white
  2. Obama clearly won
  3. Can any of you tell me how Romney plans on paying for his 5 point plan? Or his super military? No you can't.. I believe he is saying what we want to hear to get elected, and he has nothing to back up what he is saying. Do you guys remember in the debate when he was asked how he would pay for it he tip toes around the question and started talking about lowering taxes.. I don't want to vote for either of them, but I'm a huge bill Clinton fan. If bill says Obama is following along his lines when he was president I guess I have to trust him. Wish us luck
  4. First off.

    Obama outright lied about Libya and second you can't pretend like Obama has done a great job....

    Your only excuse for the state were in right now is that he inherited Bush's crap.

    He did but guess what? He made it 10x worse.
  6. This poll has the same reliability of my snobbish friends who claim to be wine conaisseurs yet can't tell the difference between a $50 bottle and Two Buck Chuck.

    I think Obama obviously won but if I was an anti feminist, hates Mexicans, or wanted to start more wars, I'd say Romney won. So it's all relative.

    I don't think either guy can pay for his programs. Lets face it, folks, we live in a house of cards and are flat broke. There is no solution to healthcare in the long term unless you shrink the average american's waistline. I didn't hear either candidate mention obesity a single time. Therefore all of their arguments don't do much for me. Can we treat the disease rather than the symptoms? Not in the USA! The fat republicans and the fat democrats just want to argue over how to pay for heart disease.

    Go Green or Libertarian!
  7. Dude, you're an idiot, viruses can't be killed. Plus, obese people are plenty in America, the presidents can't mention them or a lot of fat people will stop voting for them.
  8. Romney couldn't win. The media wrote their entire Internet scripts BEFORE THE DEBATE STARTED! the moderator was a democrat, and the audience was super-biased towards Obama.
  9. @PF

    Viruses can't be killed? Since when? Are your initials for pseudomonas fluorescens? As a bacteria, you're obviously biased.
  10. Obama because if you compare Obama to Romney, Obama is like Chuck Norris whereas Romney is like a bent knife that is rusting......
  11. I think that's a bad comparison. IRL, Chuck Norris is a crazy right winger.
  12. OBAMA is the winner

  14. You can't win a debate when you spout lies.
  15. Romney is a boss!!!!!!
  16. Goldman Sachs won.
  17. Dag, you are correct. All the thieves at Goldman, Citigroup, Fanny, Freddie, and the rest should be in jail. They are being allowed to corrupt another round of elections.