T5 Hansel Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iliIDlill_VAL-3N7iN3_ilIlMiill, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    Good Job
  2. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    I will convert soon
  3. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    I've got 7 SOS lvl 3 and have a significant plunder drop. Do you think I should demolish one. I'm up to 30B land
  4. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    T4 lvl 2 is 11.25bill not 11.1bill but that does matter this is a great guide :)
  5. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    Queen. I'd probably say yes :/ u loose cash but gain allot more in the long run
  6. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    R u sure? Does it depend on how much lands do you have? My next land is 30 bill, will it increace or decreace plunder? Do they have to be l3? If so... gotta save up... groan
  7. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    Look my alt have 3 more lands to lc it's a hansel t3 and I have about 18B should I convert all my guilds to SOS lvl1 at least it will be 15 SOS lvl1 and like that it's almost 2/3 of SOS , and then just continue build SOS until lc, or even like that it's better to fallow this guide ? Cos 600B to convert all my guilds at the end don't like that lol;)
  8. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    You can us BBCodes for the 'prices for first 4 lands' part actually .
    The 'List' code works fine .
    1. Testing
    2. Testing

    [list=1][*] Testing 
    [*]Testing [/list]
  9. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    Testing* ;

    Just a suggestion :)
  10. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    Dude this is an amazing guide thank the lord4 u.

    I am gonna use this 2 be pure spy, Im on the t4 bit Saving up 4 a t4 lvl2, and it is gonna take time, but it will be worth it, thanks 4 working out the plunder bits like how much money u lose from SOS till 2/3 building r SOS, sigh this is gonna take some time thnx though really really like this guide u rock, guy who made this :)
  11. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    Yay I rock 
  12. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    When you're 2/3rds T4 how devastated is your plunder? Ir is it more or less the same?
  13. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    U do realise SOS improve ur plunder don't u? SOS lvl1 gives 16k higher than guild lvl4... N lvl2 like 300k higher per hit... N level 3... Well it increases more
  14. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    Therefore u can transform guilds into SOS wenever u like without penalty n btw they do improve plunder... 3 ppl hav tried n discovered after I told them...
  15. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    The first 6 SOS increase plunder. The rest decrease. When 2/3 of your buildings are SOS it goes same (or even higher) than level 4 guilds
  16. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    Then y does it increase 4 first lot n decrease after doing exactly the same? Doesn't sound right no offence... That's like saying build 25 titans lairs n then 24 workshops cos the titans decrease plunder after u hav loads n the workshops will giv better plunder (that isn't true)
  17. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    Yeah, that's why SoS plunder has taken do long to work it...

    It is actually just weird.
  18. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    B U M P
  19. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    Te SOS plunder is allot different. It doesn't sound right, I agree. But ask ANYONE, does a SOS give more plunder than guilds if you have under 2/3 or over 6 SOS and they will say there plunder drops massively.
  20. Re: T4 Hansel Guide

    That's for bumping, was looking for this earlier,

    Didn't realised it got stickied,

    Gratz :)