Yepp. This guide is actually a PeterPan changing into a Hansel Guide. A PeterPan is one Highest Attack Building, the rest all T4 Guilds. So a T5 Attack Building n the Rest all L4 Guilds is a PeterPan. The fully Built T5 Hansel doesn't Max (Plunder plus Ally Bonus) until you have roughly 4-16T in gold. I'm assuming you have only ONE T5 Attack building on HighLand. The Devs screwed up Haunting payouts recently. If you don't take any items, your payout sucks major. If you even unload 50-100 items your payout is enormous for Hansel. If you're thinking of converting to T5 Spy, be Hansel 1st, before converting to Spy. But there's one difference in build. Don't build the T5 Attack Building, instead have 3 CoEs on LowLand n you only need 130b in allies to max (Plunder n AB) If you get the Electric Storm Bow, you don't need pots either. It's cheaper to convert 3L3 CoEs to 3L3 SoS then to convert a T5 Attack Building to Volary
I love it how 'Val' does these threads like he's the guild master truth is he got given his first hansel account and all his threads are copied n pasted from yesteryear I love virtual reality
Copy and pasted from last year? This was one of the first proper hansel guides. The first T4 hansel guide anyway. Not a clue where the **** you've gotten I was given my acc.
Shut up u end all yr threads are copied n pasted from years ago ..think I'll copy yrs n take the credit I'm just sick to death of seeing fakers in this damn game n noobs loving it .. O well such is life enjoy noobs