pics of builds

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by mu4thewin, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. ima noob Cuzz now I've no idea what I should do with my build
  2. Need someone who's an expert spy who can teach me
  3. Spartan just get guilds until 38 lands then remove a guild and have money stored up to make it lvl 2 right away then upgrade to level drop another guild and do the same until u have all lvl 3 SOS and your CoE...the rest buy land and put a SoS on it, there are plenty of threads about this.
  4. Ok thanks komora
  5. [​IMG]

    Low lands


    High lands
  6. Btw Good Job on the summer war
  7. Thnx komora and good job to u as well anyway I'm off for the night