Hansel Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by fluffles, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. Thanks :) im using this guide in my alt :D
  2. Wish I found this guide sooner.
    23 lvl3 sos
    9. Lvl4 guild
    3 lvl1 vol
    1 lvl3 cf
    19,529,503 allied plunder
  3. Bump.
    Because I can :)
  4. fluffles, I agree with everything except one thing..... I wouldn't convert highland guilds into SOS... I would just save 11 bill more and make them lv1 volary since that is the main goal.
  5. Completely skip SOS, make lvl 1 vol
  6. Damnit  said that
  7. Updated :mrgreen:
    This thread is so old but, why not? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. If you haven't realized, Volvaries are nearly double the price of SoS, that is a huge difference :shock:
    and a huge amount of gold/stats you have to wait longer for. Volvary conversion takes a while anyways.
  9. Oh....... I should of read this earlier in changing them all into lvl 1SOS 
  10. Bump for someone
  11. 4real doe
  12. im a sh so i have all lands sos lvl1 and 3lvl 1elven temples, you said 2/3of all your buildings have to be sos so it wont drastically mess with your plunder… does that apply to my situation if i want to convert? if so i should be able to just ug my ll sos 1by 1
  13. Pointing out a mistake of levels, after you say

    "Once you but your 25th, land upgrade your castle to level 3"

    It should say "Upgrade your castle to level 2"

    Just pointing that out, so new players don't get confused. Great guide none the less!
  14. Jezuz. This colour is painful to look at on PC
  15. Wat do u mean by keep buying allies until u get to 1Billion? BFA? or something else?
  16. Great guide, I'm saving this link as I'm converting to hansel
  17. Lol My bump actually helped people